Celebrate the Checklist
Oh, checklist, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. True, loving the IEW checklist is probably going too far, but when used properly, it can be a lovely thing. From... read more

IEW’s Checklist: Supporting Student Success
IEW’s Checklist: Supporting Student Success* One question we hear often regards the checklist. Many teachers wonder if they really have to hold their students to the checklist of dress-ups and sentence openers, mostly... read more

Training Method Options, Part 5: Live On-Site Professional Development – Demonstration and Coaching Day
Over the course of my 34-year career as a classroom teacher, I participated in scores of staff development days, where my colleagues and I were trained in new instructional strategies or learned to... read more

Where It All Began – IEW’s Founding and Mission: Podcast Episode 329
Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and has been teaching writing for over thirty years. What some people might not know, however, is that Andrew’s... read more

Dual Enrollment with IEW
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp I and Comp II (a total of six credit hours) when they... read more

Receive dual enrollment credit for Comp I and Comp II with IEW!
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp I and Comp II (a total of six credit hours) when they... read more

Learn about IEW’s Online Classes: Podcast Episode 328
While Andrew was out of the office this past week, Julie invited Denise Kelley into the podcast recording studio. Because Denise serves as IEW’s senior project manager, The Arts of Language Podcast has... read more

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝
Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject a bit of excitement into your schedule. Continue to write, but incorporate... read more

Literary Devices: Simile and Metaphor
As was mentioned in a previous post, in their writing toolbox, poets and authors have a plethora of tools that they can use to create word pictures in the minds of their readers.... read more

Customer Service Answers: How do I teach Structure and Style to multiple ages?
“How do I use one writing course for my kids who are all different ages?” We often receive this question in customer service. Whether your reasons are because of time limits, money constraints, or... read more

Training Method Options, Part 4B – Live On-Site Professional Development of the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Two-Day Seminar
Introducing a new writing process to your school or school district can be a huge undertaking—a significant change in the way your students will learn a critical skill. This isn’t possible without your... read more

Premium Membership: Meaningful Support for Busy Educators
Whether during summertime or school time, teachers and parents are busy. Inevitably, there’s always another errand to run, room to tidy, or event to attend. With all of the activities vying for our... read more

Literary Devices: Exploring Onomatopoeia
Among the tools available for writers is a broad array of literary devices, including alliteration, foreshadowing, and onomatopoeia, just to name a few. In today’s blog post we would like to highlight one... read more

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Brandy Ferrell: Podcast Episode 325
As many of our customers are homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie sit down every ten episodes with the intention of offering insight to homeschoolers through our Homeschool 101 series. In Episode 325 the... read more

Training Method Options, Part 4A – Live On-Site Professional Development: Launching Young Writers with Primary Writing with Structure and Style Two-Day Seminar
Primary Writing with Structure and Style was designed specifically with primary teachers in mind. Providing a bridge between Anna Ingham's Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning and the Structure and Style method, this seminar... read more

Taking a Look at IEW’s 2022 Online Class Offerings
With the arrival of June, many parents are beginning to plan in earnest for the upcoming school year. If you have thought about having your students participate in an online class, we would... read more

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324
The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of rest and relaxation. While certainly important, it also provides the opportunity for... read more

Following “Flat Andrew”
During podcast Episode 323, Andrew and Julie discussed ways to prevent losing skills gained during the year, a term they described as “summer evaporation.” One of the ideas mentioned was inspired by the... read more

Tricky Words: Regimen and Regiment
Sometimes blog post inspiration suddenly falls into my lap. This post is one of those times. As I was driving back from an appointment the other day, I heard the radio news announcer... read more

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
American culture appreciates speed. So many people seem to be in a hurry. People fly down the interstate in their cars. Fast food lines move people through quickly so they can get on... read more

Advanced Style, Part 2: Podcast Episode 322
Last week, Andrew and Julie went beyond the sentence openers and dress-ups to discuss some advanced systlistic techniques. In that vein the duo continues the conversation by discussing paragraph models and author imitation. In... read more

Celebrate the Checklist
Oh, checklist, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. True, loving the IEW checklist is probably going too... read more

IEW’s Checklist: Supporting Student Success
IEW’s Checklist: Supporting Student Success* One question we hear often regards the checklist. Many teachers wonder if they really have to... read more

Training Method Options, Part 5: Live On-Site Professional Development – Demonstration and Coaching Day
Over the course of my 34-year career as a classroom teacher, I participated in scores of staff development days, where my... read more

Where It All Began – IEW’s Founding and Mission: Podcast Episode 329
Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and has been teaching writing for over... read more

Dual Enrollment with IEW
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp... read more

Receive dual enrollment credit for Comp I and Comp II with IEW!
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp... read more

Learn about IEW’s Online Classes: Podcast Episode 328
While Andrew was out of the office this past week, Julie invited Denise Kelley into the podcast recording studio. Because Denise... read more

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝
Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject... read more

Literary Devices: Simile and Metaphor
As was mentioned in a previous post, in their writing toolbox, poets and authors have a plethora of tools that they... read more

Customer Service Answers: How do I teach Structure and Style to multiple ages?
“How do I use one writing course for my kids who are all different ages?” We often receive this question in customer... read more

Training Method Options, Part 4B – Live On-Site Professional Development of the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Two-Day Seminar
Introducing a new writing process to your school or school district can be a huge undertaking—a significant change in the way... read more

Premium Membership: Meaningful Support for Busy Educators
Whether during summertime or school time, teachers and parents are busy. Inevitably, there’s always another errand to run, room to tidy,... read more

Literary Devices: Exploring Onomatopoeia
Among the tools available for writers is a broad array of literary devices, including alliteration, foreshadowing, and onomatopoeia, just to name... read more

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Brandy Ferrell: Podcast Episode 325
As many of our customers are homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie sit down every ten episodes with the intention of offering... read more

Training Method Options, Part 4A – Live On-Site Professional Development: Launching Young Writers with Primary Writing with Structure and Style Two-Day Seminar
Primary Writing with Structure and Style was designed specifically with primary teachers in mind. Providing a bridge between Anna Ingham's Blended... read more

Taking a Look at IEW’s 2022 Online Class Offerings
With the arrival of June, many parents are beginning to plan in earnest for the upcoming school year. If you have... read more

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324
The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of... read more

Following “Flat Andrew”
During podcast Episode 323, Andrew and Julie discussed ways to prevent losing skills gained during the year, a term they described... read more

Tricky Words: Regimen and Regiment
Sometimes blog post inspiration suddenly falls into my lap. This post is one of those times. As I was driving back... read more

It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint
American culture appreciates speed. So many people seem to be in a hurry. People fly down the interstate in their cars.... read more

Advanced Style, Part 2: Podcast Episode 322
Last week, Andrew and Julie went beyond the sentence openers and dress-ups to discuss some advanced systlistic techniques. In that vein... read more