Preparing for College and Career
In the 1970s Dr. James B. Webster began each of his university history classes with lessons from his program Blended Structure and Style in Composition because his students could not write well enough... read more

Overcoming Fear: Introducing the IEW Speech Contest
Public speaking is an important tool that students often overlook, overshadowed by a fear of presenting ideas to peers, teachers, or even strangers. When students begin their careers, the two most useful skills... read more

The Year in Review: Dual Enrollment with CHI
What an inaugural year it has been for the Christian Halls International’s (CHI) dual enrollment program using IEW materials! English Composition I was taught in the fall semester, followed by English Composition II... read more

Where are they now? Spencer Ragen: “Don’t quit until you’re proud.”
From time to time, we enjoy highlighting a current or former IEW student in the blog and reading their thoughts about IEW and the Structure and Style writing approach. Today’s post highlights Spencer... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that colleges consider standardized testing, along with the surge of classical education, has... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Conversation with Jeremy Tate: Podcast Episode 357
Join Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King as they interview Jeremy Tate, Founder and CEO of the Classic Learning Test (CLT). Knowing that testing tremendously influences curriculum development in secondary education, Jeremy developed the... read more

Powerful Courses for College Preparation
In many ways, the high school years are a staging ground for adulthood. For some students high school represents the culmination of their formal education. For others the high school years are preparatory,... read more

Where Are They Now? Oliver Mauser: College, Construction, and Effective Communication
From time to time we enjoy highlighting former structure and style students to showcase their achievements both academically and professionally. Students who learn this writing method are able to confidently use the skills... read more

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Dr. Lisa Dunne: Podcast Episode 335✝
With the hope of offering support and resources to new and current homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie dedicate every ten episodes to the Homeschool 101 series. For this special edition of the series,... read more

Pursuing College in a Whole New Way – A Conversation with Dr. Nicholas Ellis: Podcast Episode 331
Recently Dr. Nicholas Ellis paid a visit to IEW’s campus in Bixby, Oklahoma. Dr. Ellis is the founder and CEO of Christian Halls International (CHI), and Andrew and Julie were honored to welcome... read more

Dual Enrollment with IEW
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp I and Comp II (a total of six credit hours) when they... read more

Preparing for College and Career
In the 1970s Dr. James B. Webster began each of his university history classes with lessons from his program Blended Structure... read more

Overcoming Fear: Introducing the IEW Speech Contest
Public speaking is an important tool that students often overlook, overshadowed by a fear of presenting ideas to peers, teachers, or... read more

The Year in Review: Dual Enrollment with CHI
What an inaugural year it has been for the Christian Halls International’s (CHI) dual enrollment program using IEW materials! English Composition... read more

Where are they now? Spencer Ragen: “Don’t quit until you’re proud.”
From time to time, we enjoy highlighting a current or former IEW student in the blog and reading their thoughts about... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Conversation with Jeremy Tate: Podcast Episode 357
Join Andrew Pudewa and Nathan King as they interview Jeremy Tate, Founder and CEO of the Classic Learning Test (CLT). Knowing... read more

Powerful Courses for College Preparation
In many ways, the high school years are a staging ground for adulthood. For some students high school represents the culmination... read more

Where Are They Now? Oliver Mauser: College, Construction, and Effective Communication
From time to time we enjoy highlighting former structure and style students to showcase their achievements both academically and professionally. Students... read more

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Dr. Lisa Dunne: Podcast Episode 335✝
With the hope of offering support and resources to new and current homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie dedicate every ten episodes... read more

Pursuing College in a Whole New Way – A Conversation with Dr. Nicholas Ellis: Podcast Episode 331
Recently Dr. Nicholas Ellis paid a visit to IEW’s campus in Bixby, Oklahoma. Dr. Ellis is the founder and CEO of... read more

Dual Enrollment with IEW
We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp... read more