Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method 5-Day Schools
During my thirty-four-year career as an elementary school teacher, I taught at seven schools in four school districts in three states. The districts ranged from rural to suburban to inner city, each with... read more

Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style®
What: Three-session workshop for classroom teachers and administrators grades K-12Where: OnlineWhen: August 5, 6, and 7, 2025Time: 10:00 AM‒2:30 PM CT Presenters and Facilitator: Jeff Nease, IEW Implementation Coach The three-session workshop will be offered... read more

IEW Curriculum Aligns with State Standards
School teachers and curriculum directors often call IEW’s Schools Division asking if our curriculum meets state educational standards. Some schools or charter schools are not allowed to recommend items if they are not... read more

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar
Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments are methods of measuring students' learning and progress. They are essential tools... read more

IPS in the Classroom
A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly presented. History proved this.” Presentation matters, and IEW can help! Introduction to... read more

A Tandem Team for a Successful First Year: SSS and TWSS
The start of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner! Here at the Institute for Excellence in Writing, the Schools Division Educational Consultants have been working diligently for months to help... read more

CEUs – Tangible Evidence of Lifelong Learning
Abbott Elementary is a popular ABC comedy about a public school in Philadelphia. In a recent episode, Barbara Howard, the no-nonsense, much-respected veteran kindergarten teacher, is called to account by her principal because... read more

Celebrating End of the Year Progress
The last day of school is almost here! Students’ minds are already thinking weeks ahead about camps, road trips, swimming, and all the other activities that get packed into their short break from... read more

Magnum Opus Magazine: A Resource and Opportunity for Teachers and Students
“Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I've never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither I... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that colleges consider standardized testing, along with the surge of classical education, has... read more

IEW Accreditation: The Secret Key to Success
Throughout the years, Institute for Excellence in Writing has continued to make its programs easier to implement. When IEW was founded over twenty-five years ago, teachers could only learn the Structure and Style... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method 5-Day Schools
During my thirty-four-year career as an elementary school teacher, I taught at seven schools in four school districts in three states.... read more

Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style®
What: Three-session workshop for classroom teachers and administrators grades K-12Where: OnlineWhen: August 5, 6, and 7, 2025Time: 10:00 AM‒2:30 PM CT Presenters... read more

IEW Curriculum Aligns with State Standards
School teachers and curriculum directors often call IEW’s Schools Division asking if our curriculum meets state educational standards. Some schools or... read more

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar
Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments... read more

IPS in the Classroom
A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly... read more

A Tandem Team for a Successful First Year: SSS and TWSS
The start of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner! Here at the Institute for Excellence in Writing, the... read more

CEUs – Tangible Evidence of Lifelong Learning
Abbott Elementary is a popular ABC comedy about a public school in Philadelphia. In a recent episode, Barbara Howard, the no-nonsense,... read more

Celebrating End of the Year Progress
The last day of school is almost here! Students’ minds are already thinking weeks ahead about camps, road trips, swimming, and... read more

Magnum Opus Magazine: A Resource and Opportunity for Teachers and Students
“Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because I've never written anything before,... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that... read more

IEW Accreditation: The Secret Key to Success
Throughout the years, Institute for Excellence in Writing has continued to make its programs easier to implement. When IEW was founded... read more