Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K-2. Part 4: Facilitating Composition through Handwriting Instruction and Copywork
If you have read Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series, you are aware of the tremendous influence Anna Ingham’s Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning had in the development of IEW’s Classroom... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style™ in Grades K–2 Foundation #3: Teaching Phonics through Poetry
So far in this blog series, we’ve focused on how the lesson plans in our K–2 Classroom Supplements use poetry study and memorization as the launching point for building oral language and vocabulary.... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K–2 Foundation #2: Building Grammar Skills with Poetry
In Part 1 of this series on IEW’s primary materials, we discussed poetry as a powerful tool in language development, specifically in building language skills and boosting reading comprehension. Part 2 examines the... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K–2 Foundation #1: Language Development through Poetry
IEW’s instructional materials for the primary grades are based on the proven methods of the Institute for Excellence in Writing’s Structure and Style approach and are inspired by the language development activities of... read more

Growing Young Readers and Writers
Why are the Primary Posters necessary in a K–2 classroom? One of the questions we hear frequently from teachers and principals concerns our Primary Posters for Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two: “Is this... read more

Unboxing PAL: A Peek inside the Packages
With school on the cusp of starting up again, we thought it would be helpful to describe in detail a few of our special packaged curriculums so that you are able to feel... read more

The Littlest Learners
The back-to-school season is a special one. Students are sharpening their pencils and pulling out their notebooks in preparation for a full year of learning. Amidst the hubbub and the roar—at risk of... read more

Meet Jessica Walker, IEW’s Customer Service Manager: Podcast Episode 173
IEW’s customer service team is comprised of a stellar group of people who are dedicated to serving their customers with a smile and utmost professionalism. In Podcast 173, you have the opportunity to... read more

Sound City, the Heart of Anna Ingham’s Language Arts Program
When teachers use our materials for Kindergarten through Grade 2, they are directed to use the poetry discussion time to reinforce phonics for reading and spelling. Regularly we hear from teachers using their... read more

Busting Boredom
“He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest.” - Dylan Thomas July is National Anti-Boredom Month. It is a fitting month for it, too. After all, students have been out... read more

Building Literacy One Activity at a Time
The days of spring are here, which for many parents and teachers is a time to think and reflect on the past school year as well as prepare for the new year to... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K-2. Part 4: Facilitating Composition through Handwriting Instruction and Copywork
If you have read Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series, you are aware of the tremendous influence Anna Ingham’s... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style™ in Grades K–2 Foundation #3: Teaching Phonics through Poetry
So far in this blog series, we’ve focused on how the lesson plans in our K–2 Classroom Supplements use poetry study... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K–2 Foundation #2: Building Grammar Skills with Poetry
In Part 1 of this series on IEW’s primary materials, we discussed poetry as a powerful tool in language development, specifically... read more

Launching the Foundations of Literacy through Structure and Style in Grades K–2 Foundation #1: Language Development through Poetry
IEW’s instructional materials for the primary grades are based on the proven methods of the Institute for Excellence in Writing’s Structure... read more

Growing Young Readers and Writers
Why are the Primary Posters necessary in a K–2 classroom? One of the questions we hear frequently from teachers and principals concerns... read more

Unboxing PAL: A Peek inside the Packages
With school on the cusp of starting up again, we thought it would be helpful to describe in detail a few... read more

The Littlest Learners
The back-to-school season is a special one. Students are sharpening their pencils and pulling out their notebooks in preparation for a... read more

Meet Jessica Walker, IEW’s Customer Service Manager: Podcast Episode 173
IEW’s customer service team is comprised of a stellar group of people who are dedicated to serving their customers with a... read more

Sound City, the Heart of Anna Ingham’s Language Arts Program
When teachers use our materials for Kindergarten through Grade 2, they are directed to use the poetry discussion time to reinforce... read more

Busting Boredom
“He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest.” - Dylan Thomas July is National Anti-Boredom Month. It is... read more

Building Literacy One Activity at a Time
The days of spring are here, which for many parents and teachers is a time to think and reflect on the... read more