Teacher Spotlight: Laura McMahon, Ivywood Classical Academy
Laura McMahon is a middle-school teacher at Ivywood Classical Academy, a tuition-free public school located in Plymouth, Michigan. Ivywood Classical Academy is a Hillsdale College Member School. How many students do you have? In seventh... read more

Why Hire an Editor?
F. Scott Fitzgerald had Maxwell Perkins. For that matter, Ernest Hemingway did as well. Harper Lee had Tay Hohoff. While Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Lee are well-recognized authors, you likely are unfamiliar with the... read more

Wrestling with Words
“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for any length of time has undoubtedly heard these words, usually in a... read more

Adjust the Checklist to Sharpen Students’ Saws
The school year is nearing the end, and summer is close at hand. Teachers and families alike eagerly anticipate a chance to slow down a bit to relax and renew. A recent IEW®... read more

Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing: Podcast Episode 359
Have you committed one of these four errors in your teaching? Overcorrecting, holding back help, unclear assignments, and over-expectation can frustrate your students and hamper your best efforts. Andrew Pudewa refers to these... read more

Announcing IEW’s Winter Retreat 2023: A Virtual Writing Workshop for Classroom Teachers
Are you a classroom teacher, hybrid school instructor, co-op facilitator, or tutor? Do you teach your students in person or online? We have a special event just for you! On Saturday, February 11,... read more

Editing Made Easy
If you missed the gifts given for Day 9, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 333: Letter to the Editor “How do I grade my student’s writing?” is a question that IEW receives... read more

Letter to the Editor: Podcast Episode 333
In Andrew’s classroom he requests that his students hire an editor to look over and mark up their rough drafts prior to turning them in. In fact, Andrew has even written a letter... read more

Common Editing Marks
Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety of editorial roles (content editors and copy editors, for example) exists, in... read more

Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction
Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the point values. While we do offer checklists with points as an optional... read more

Sage Advice for a Successful School Year
If you have recently strolled into your local big box store, you likely have seen shelves upon shelves of back to school supplies. The waxy scent of crayons, the colorful array of notebooks... read more

Teacher Spotlight: Laura McMahon, Ivywood Classical Academy
Laura McMahon is a middle-school teacher at Ivywood Classical Academy, a tuition-free public school located in Plymouth, Michigan. Ivywood Classical Academy... read more

Why Hire an Editor?
F. Scott Fitzgerald had Maxwell Perkins. For that matter, Ernest Hemingway did as well. Harper Lee had Tay Hohoff. While Fitzgerald,... read more

Wrestling with Words
“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for... read more

Adjust the Checklist to Sharpen Students’ Saws
The school year is nearing the end, and summer is close at hand. Teachers and families alike eagerly anticipate a chance... read more

Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing: Podcast Episode 359
Have you committed one of these four errors in your teaching? Overcorrecting, holding back help, unclear assignments, and over-expectation can frustrate... read more

Announcing IEW’s Winter Retreat 2023: A Virtual Writing Workshop for Classroom Teachers
Are you a classroom teacher, hybrid school instructor, co-op facilitator, or tutor? Do you teach your students in person or online?... read more

Editing Made Easy
If you missed the gifts given for Day 9, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 333: Letter to the Editor “How... read more

Letter to the Editor: Podcast Episode 333
In Andrew’s classroom he requests that his students hire an editor to look over and mark up their rough drafts prior... read more

Common Editing Marks
Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety... read more

Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction
Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the... read more

Sage Advice for a Successful School Year
If you have recently strolled into your local big box store, you likely have seen shelves upon shelves of back to... read more