
Advanced Style, Part 2: Podcast Episode 322

Last week, Andrew and Julie went beyond the sentence openers and dress-ups to discuss some advanced systlistic techniques. In that vein the duo continues the conversation by discussing paragraph models and author imitation. In... read more

May 18, 2022

Advanced Style, Part 1: Podcast Episode 321

On a recent Saturday morning, Andrew Pudewa presented a master class to IEW’s Premium Members. His focus was addressing IEW’s list of advanced stylistic techniques. During the roughly 90-minute presentation, Andrew described a... read more

May 12, 2022

Nurturing Success: Serving Schools of Every Kind: Podcast Episode 319

In 1990 Andrew along with other teachers traveled to Alberta, Canada, for a ten-day teacher-training seminar. It was there that Andrew learned Dr. Webster’s Blended Structure and Style in Composition method. In Episode... read more

Apr 28, 2022

Where are they now? Lauren Oliver: Master’s Candidate in Communication

We love to hear from former students of Structure and Style. These young adults are forging unique pathways in the world, many of them heavily focused in writing and communication. Lauren Oliver is... read more

Apr 18, 2022

Becoming a Book Eater: On the Value of Annotation

One of my most favorite high school classes to teach is literary analysis. Partly the reason is because I hold an English degree and focused most of my own studies in literary analysis.... read more

Apr 04, 2022

Announcing IEW’s 2022 Summer Conference

Spring is in the air. How can you tell? Birds are building nests, trees are beginning to bud, and conferences for teachers and parents are starting to occur all over the country. Andrew... read more

Mar 31, 2022

Get Ready for The Great TWSS Adventure!

While the summer months beckon students with the promise of a rest from the rigors of school assignments, for many educators the summer provides a different but equally welcome respite: the opportunity to... read more

Mar 28, 2022

Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety of editorial roles (content editors and copy editors, for example) exists, in... read more

Mar 25, 2022

Imitation as the Foundation for Innovation, Creativity, and Development: Podcast Episode 314

Whether it be ordering the same flavor of ice cream or wearing similar shoes, from a young age children imitate peers and adults. When children learn to walk or talk, they first observe... read more

Mar 23, 2022

“Winter Wonderland Adventure”

One of the most gratifying experiences our company enjoys is receiving mail, especially from appreciative students. We recently received an email directed to Andrew Pudewa from a student who had responded to a... read more

Jan 28, 2022

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the days and to thank all of you who... read more

Jan 14, 2022

Advanced Style, Part 2: Podcast Episode 322

Last week, Andrew and Julie went beyond the sentence openers and dress-ups to discuss some advanced systlistic techniques. In that vein... read more

Advanced Style, Part 1: Podcast Episode 321

On a recent Saturday morning, Andrew Pudewa presented a master class to IEW’s Premium Members. His focus was addressing IEW’s list... read more


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Nurturing Success: Serving Schools of Every Kind: Podcast Episode 319

In 1990 Andrew along with other teachers traveled to Alberta, Canada, for a ten-day teacher-training seminar. It was there that Andrew... read more

Where are they now? Lauren Oliver: Master’s Candidate in Communication

We love to hear from former students of Structure and Style. These young adults are forging unique pathways in the world,... read more

Becoming a Book Eater: On the Value of Annotation

One of my most favorite high school classes to teach is literary analysis. Partly the reason is because I hold an... read more

Announcing IEW’s 2022 Summer Conference

Spring is in the air. How can you tell? Birds are building nests, trees are beginning to bud, and conferences for... read more

Get Ready for The Great TWSS Adventure!

While the summer months beckon students with the promise of a rest from the rigors of school assignments, for many educators... read more

Common Editing Marks

Early in the Structure and Style for Students courses, Andrew Pudewa exhorts his students to hire an editor. While a variety... read more

Imitation as the Foundation for Innovation, Creativity, and Development: Podcast Episode 314

Whether it be ordering the same flavor of ice cream or wearing similar shoes, from a young age children imitate peers... read more

“Winter Wonderland Adventure”

One of the most gratifying experiences our company enjoys is receiving mail, especially from appreciative students. We recently received an email... read more

It’s a Wrap!

With the final day of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving event only recently completed, we wanted to take a moment... read more


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