
Seeking Student Authors and Artists: An Exciting Magnum Opus Magazine Opportunity

Magnum Opus Magazine, IEW’s premier showcase of work from students around the world, is publishing a print edition in 2023 and is actively soliciting submissions from students. Before you jump into the school... read more

Aug 15, 2022

How to Obliterate Writer’s Block

The blank page. It can be a formidable force. An intimidating expanse of seemingly interminable white, the empty page has been known to bring even the most prolific writer to his knees. But... read more

Aug 05, 2022

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 330

IEW’s customer service and schools division teams offer support to parents and teachers as they answer questions through emails, chats, and phone calls. Occasionally, however, Andrew addresses customers’ questions himself. This is one... read more

Jul 13, 2022

Celebrate the Checklist

Oh, checklist, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. True, loving the IEW checklist is probably going too far, but when used properly, it can be a lovely thing. From... read more

Jul 12, 2022

Where It All Began – IEW’s Founding and Mission: Podcast Episode 329

Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and has been teaching writing for over thirty years. What some people might not know, however, is that Andrew’s... read more

Jul 06, 2022

Dual Enrollment with IEW

We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp I and Comp II (a total of six credit hours) when they... read more

Jul 05, 2022

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝

Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject a bit of excitement into your schedule. Continue to write, but incorporate... read more

Jun 30, 2022

Customer Service Answers: “How do I teach Structure and Style to multiple ages?

“How do I use one writing course for my kids who are all different ages?” We often receive this question in customer service. Whether your reasons are because of time limits, money constraints, or... read more

Jun 24, 2022

Premium Membership: Meaningful Support for Busy Educators

Whether during summertime or school time, teachers and parents are busy. Inevitably, there’s always another errand to run, room to tidy, or event to attend. With all of the activities vying for our... read more

Jun 13, 2022

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Brandy Ferrell: Podcast Episode 325

As many of our customers are homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie sit down every ten episodes with the intention of offering insight to homeschoolers through our Homeschool 101 series. In Episode 325 the... read more

Jun 08, 2022

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324

The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of rest and relaxation. While certainly important, it also provides the opportunity for... read more

Jun 01, 2022

Seeking Student Authors and Artists: An Exciting Magnum Opus Magazine Opportunity

Magnum Opus Magazine, IEW’s premier showcase of work from students around the world, is publishing a print edition in 2023 and... read more

How to Obliterate Writer’s Block

The blank page. It can be a formidable force. An intimidating expanse of seemingly interminable white, the empty page has been... read more


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Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 330

IEW’s customer service and schools division teams offer support to parents and teachers as they answer questions through emails, chats, and... read more

Celebrate the Checklist

Oh, checklist, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. True, loving the IEW checklist is probably going too... read more

Where It All Began – IEW’s Founding and Mission: Podcast Episode 329

Andrew Pudewa is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and has been teaching writing for over... read more

Dual Enrollment with IEW

We are thrilled to share with you this fabulous news: High school students can now earn dual credit for both Comp... read more

Explore and Write with WORLD Magazines!✝

Over the long summer it is tempting to push pause on writing. Rather than do that, however, we suggest you inject... read more

Customer Service Answers: “How do I teach Structure and Style to multiple ages?

“How do I use one writing course for my kids who are all different ages?” We often receive this question in customer... read more

Premium Membership: Meaningful Support for Busy Educators

Whether during summertime or school time, teachers and parents are busy. Inevitably, there’s always another errand to run, room to tidy,... read more

Homeschool 101 – A Conversation with Brandy Ferrell: Podcast Episode 325

As many of our customers are homeschooling families, Andrew and Julie sit down every ten episodes with the intention of offering... read more

Sharpening the Saw – Maintaining Your Edge as a Teacher: Podcast Episode 324

The school year is winding down, the days are warming, and the summer season approaches. The summer is a time of... read more


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