Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 330

Jul 13, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

IEW’s customer service and schools division teams offer support to parents and teachers as they answer questions through emails, chats, and phone calls. Occasionally, however, Andrew addresses customers’ questions himself. This is one of those occasions!

Podcast Episode 330 is another Ask Andrew Anything, where Andrew responds to inquiries submitted by our podcast listeners. The ones answered are as follows:

  1. I’m using theme-based books. If we go slower with the checklist than the book does, how do we teach the next dress-up? If we’ve skipped it earlier in the book, should we go back to where it was introduced, or should I teach it myself wherever we are?
  2. My 15-year-old is upset that IEW makes her change her story. I feel like this may be a sign that we moved too quickly through the checklist for her. Or is there another possible explanation for why she’s suddenly hating it?
  3. How do you help a natural writer advance?
  4. I work in a school setting, and at times we receive new students who haven’t used IEW’s method in the past. What is the best way for me to integrate new students into the program while avoiding too much repetition for experienced students?
  5. How much do you help young students revise and edit before you take their writing for a grade? How do you take a rubric grade and use it for a percentage grade?
  6. How do I encourage correct holding of a pen when my high schoolers all have different ways that they hold their pens? Is it important to hold your pen in the correct way anymore?

If you see a question or two that you’re curious about, give this episode a listen! Don’t forget to send your questions to Andrew enjoys tackling just about any question that comes his way.



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