Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Hybrid Schools
In 2013 as an IEW Educational Consultant, I conducted the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style® (TWSS) seminar at Legacy Christian Academy, a hybrid school in Bakersfield, California. As the school prepared for the... read more

IPS in the Classroom
A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly presented. History proved this.” Presentation matters, and IEW can help! Introduction to... read more

Structure and Style for Students: Hybrid School Lesson Planning
What is a hybrid school, and what makes lesson planning different for a hybrid school teacher? Hybrid schools meet one, two, three, or four days a week. This model of education has been... read more

Wonders of Science Writing Lessons
How are astronauts protected from space dust traveling at the speed of a bullet? How do ants know when another ant has died? Which woman scientist was called the Sun Queen and why?... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that colleges consider standardized testing, along with the surge of classical education, has... read more

The Triangle of Writing Success
Regardless of the educational environment students are in, whether it be a hybrid school, a charter school, or a five-day-a-week school, students learn best when they have unified support. This support primarily comes... read more

IEW Accreditation: The Secret Key to Success
Throughout the years, Institute for Excellence in Writing has continued to make its programs easier to implement. When IEW was founded over twenty-five years ago, teachers could only learn the Structure and Style... read more

Announcing IEW’s Winter Retreat 2023: A Virtual Writing Workshop for Classroom Teachers
Are you a classroom teacher, hybrid school instructor, co-op facilitator, or tutor? Do you teach your students in person or online? We have a special event just for you! On Saturday, February 11,... read more

Appreciating Our Educators
“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” This quote, attributed to Robert Frost, reflects the vital importance of teachers in our lives and in society. Teachers are indeed awakeners. They not only... read more

Nurturing Success: Serving Schools of Every Kind: Podcast Episode 319
In 1990 Andrew along with other teachers traveled to Alberta, Canada, for a ten-day teacher-training seminar. It was there that Andrew learned Dr. Webster’s Blended Structure and Style in Composition method. In Episode... read more

Learning about Learning Pods
In the past few years, a unique educational option has received increasing attention, partially driven by the COVID-19 virus. Because many schools were forced to online formats or were shut down altogether, bands... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Hybrid Schools
In 2013 as an IEW Educational Consultant, I conducted the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style® (TWSS) seminar at Legacy Christian Academy,... read more

IPS in the Classroom
A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly... read more

Structure and Style for Students: Hybrid School Lesson Planning
What is a hybrid school, and what makes lesson planning different for a hybrid school teacher? Hybrid schools meet one, two,... read more

Wonders of Science Writing Lessons
How are astronauts protected from space dust traveling at the speed of a bullet? How do ants know when another ant... read more

Classic Learning Test – A Better Way
For decades, the standardized testing world has been dominated by two juggernauts: ACT and SAT. However, changes in the way that... read more

The Triangle of Writing Success
Regardless of the educational environment students are in, whether it be a hybrid school, a charter school, or a five-day-a-week school,... read more

IEW Accreditation: The Secret Key to Success
Throughout the years, Institute for Excellence in Writing has continued to make its programs easier to implement. When IEW was founded... read more

Announcing IEW’s Winter Retreat 2023: A Virtual Writing Workshop for Classroom Teachers
Are you a classroom teacher, hybrid school instructor, co-op facilitator, or tutor? Do you teach your students in person or online?... read more

Appreciating Our Educators
“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” This quote, attributed to Robert Frost, reflects the vital importance of teachers in... read more

Nurturing Success: Serving Schools of Every Kind: Podcast Episode 319
In 1990 Andrew along with other teachers traveled to Alberta, Canada, for a ten-day teacher-training seminar. It was there that Andrew... read more

Learning about Learning Pods
In the past few years, a unique educational option has received increasing attention, partially driven by the COVID-19 virus. Because many... read more