
Writing Speeches - The Importance of Note-Taking

Recently, I attended the 2024 NCFCA National Championship. Sitting at the IEW table, I was privy to all of the buzz as students swarmed around me, entering and exiting the student center of... read more

Jul 25, 2024

All in the Sussmann Family

In 2023 IEW released Introduction to Public Speaking. In honor of this, IEW hosted its first annual speech contest and received submissions from all over the country. After much deliberation, the winners were... read more

Mar 28, 2024

IPS in the Classroom

A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly presented. History proved this.” Presentation matters, and IEW can help! Introduction to... read more

Jul 27, 2023

The Reviews Are In!

Introduction to Public Speaking (IPS) rolled out earlier this year, and many homeschool educators were excited to use it in their own homes. IPS reviewers noticed that this course is not only excellent... read more

Jul 06, 2023

Three Reasons Your Teen Should Do Public Speaking

Now that high school is far in my rearview mirror, I can attest that the most formative academic experience I had in my teen years was competing in a speech and debate league. At... read more

Jun 08, 2023

IEW's New Introduction to Public Speaking: Podcast 374

It’s here! After many months we are proud to introduce our newest video product, Introduction to Public Speaking! In this program middle- and high-school students learn memory and delivery techniques for five different... read more

May 24, 2023

Cultivating Confident Communicators

If you missed the gifts given for Day 10, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 204: The Four Language Arts Part 2: Speaking Podcast Episode 251: Nurturing Competent Communicators, Part 1 Podcast Episode 252:... read more

Jan 04, 2023

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of last week’s podcast, Andrew had delved a bit deeper into the first... read more

Sep 16, 2020

Effective Communication: The Counterweight to All the Yelling

  Are you familiar with NCFCA? Since 2001 the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) has equipped and empowered students to apply and communicate their worldview with skill and clarity. In podcast Episode 227... read more

Jul 08, 2020

Speak! Podcast Episode 204

  In the most recent podcast, Episode 204, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discuss the second of the four language arts: speaking. A student has described Andrew as “the funny man with the wonderful... read more

Feb 07, 2020

Pursuing the Path to Poetry Memorization

  Although many educators think of IEW primarily as a writing curriculum company, we do not limit ourselves to just that one aspect of language arts. We actually focus on all four of the... read more

Apr 01, 2019

Writing Speeches - The Importance of Note-Taking

Recently, I attended the 2024 NCFCA National Championship. Sitting at the IEW table, I was privy to all of the buzz... read more

All in the Sussmann Family

In 2023 IEW released Introduction to Public Speaking. In honor of this, IEW hosted its first annual speech contest and received... read more


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IPS in the Classroom

A word of warning from Dr. Webster. “A bad idea well presented can be more effective than a good idea poorly... read more

The Reviews Are In!

Introduction to Public Speaking (IPS) rolled out earlier this year, and many homeschool educators were excited to use it in their... read more

Three Reasons Your Teen Should Do Public Speaking

Now that high school is far in my rearview mirror, I can attest that the most formative academic experience I had... read more

IEW's New Introduction to Public Speaking: Podcast 374

It’s here! After many months we are proud to introduce our newest video product, Introduction to Public Speaking! In this program... read more

Cultivating Confident Communicators

If you missed the gifts given for Day 10, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 204: The Four Language Arts... read more

The Five Canons of Rhetoric, Part 2: Podcast Episode 237

  Picking up from where they left off last week, Andrew and Julie continue their discussion about rhetoric. At the end of... read more

Effective Communication: The Counterweight to All the Yelling

  Are you familiar with NCFCA? Since 2001 the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA) has equipped and empowered students to... read more

Speak! Podcast Episode 204

  In the most recent podcast, Episode 204, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker discuss the second of the four language arts: speaking.... read more

Pursuing the Path to Poetry Memorization

  Although many educators think of IEW primarily as a writing curriculum company, we do not limit ourselves to just that one... read more


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