
Customizing Lessons to Meet Your Students’ Needs – Filtering

   “The optimal learning environment is one which allows each child to progress at his own rate allowing sufficient repetition for mastery.” Andrew Pudewa, IEW Founder, Author, and Director In the Teaching Writing: Structure and... read more

Jan 18, 2020

Prepositional Pursuits

  My little class and I have been cruising right along this year. Working through Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, they’ve learned how to insert all of the dress-ups. The kids are doing great! I... read more

Nov 18, 2019

Product Spotlight: A Word Write Now: A Thematic Thesaurus for Stylized Writing

    Getting students to write using vivid language is easier said than done. Asking them to “show, not tell” when they write or to write in a way that creates a movie in... read more

Oct 18, 2019

Salting the Oats

  Teachers understand that students enjoy a good contest. The possibility of winning a coveted prize or a tasty treat can inspire even the most reluctant student to strive for success. But how can... read more

Oct 08, 2019

Learning through Laughter

  I stood and gazed at the young faces seated before me. They looked back at me. It was the first day of co-op, and I was meeting my class for the very first... read more

Sep 27, 2019

Earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through Liberty University

  Calling all teachers in need of continuing education units! Did you know that IEW partners with Liberty University to offer these units to individuals who complete the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) course and practicum... read more

Jul 22, 2019

My IEW Journey: Becoming a Successful IEW Classroom Writing Teacher

  As a child, I wanted to become a second-grade teacher. In college, though, my parents pushed me to study business instead. Poor grades followed, and a degree change became imperative. I switched paths... read more

Oct 30, 2018

Sound City, the Heart of Anna Ingham’s Language Arts Program

  When teachers use our materials for Kindergarten through Grade 2, they are directed to use the poetry discussion time to reinforce phonics for reading and spelling. Regularly we hear from teachers using their... read more

Oct 12, 2018

Back to School! Podcast Episode 153

  “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss is definitely right, and now that it’s back-to-school time, students... read more

Aug 29, 2018

Plan! Prepare! Persist!

  As teachers, we plunge into the school year packed full of ambition and enthusiasm. Our weeks soon become routine, peppered with papers to grade, meetings to attend, and plans to complete. Plopped into... read more

Aug 03, 2018

Year One of Structure and Style in the Classroom: Look Back and Reflect. Look Ahead and Plan.

    A note before you begin: This post contains many helpful links to materials, related blogs, and additional information on our Schools website. We recommend that you read the blog all the way... read more

Jun 22, 2018

Customizing Lessons to Meet Your Students’ Needs – Filtering

   “The optimal learning environment is one which allows each child to progress at his own rate allowing sufficient repetition for mastery.”... read more

Prepositional Pursuits

  My little class and I have been cruising right along this year. Working through Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, they’ve learned how... read more


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Product Spotlight: A Word Write Now: A Thematic Thesaurus for Stylized Writing

    Getting students to write using vivid language is easier said than done. Asking them to “show, not tell” when they... read more

Salting the Oats

  Teachers understand that students enjoy a good contest. The possibility of winning a coveted prize or a tasty treat can inspire... read more

Learning through Laughter

  I stood and gazed at the young faces seated before me. They looked back at me. It was the first day... read more

Earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through Liberty University

  Calling all teachers in need of continuing education units! Did you know that IEW partners with Liberty University to offer these units... read more

My IEW Journey: Becoming a Successful IEW Classroom Writing Teacher

  As a child, I wanted to become a second-grade teacher. In college, though, my parents pushed me to study business instead.... read more

Sound City, the Heart of Anna Ingham’s Language Arts Program

  When teachers use our materials for Kindergarten through Grade 2, they are directed to use the poetry discussion time to reinforce... read more

Back to School! Podcast Episode 153

  “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr.... read more

Plan! Prepare! Persist!

  As teachers, we plunge into the school year packed full of ambition and enthusiasm. Our weeks soon become routine, peppered with... read more

Year One of Structure and Style in the Classroom: Look Back and Reflect. Look Ahead and Plan.

    A note before you begin: This post contains many helpful links to materials, related blogs, and additional information on our... read more


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