Have You Read the News?

Feb 05, 2020 | Posted by Jennifer


If your email looks like mine—well, first off I truly hope it doesn’t because at present I think my email account is vying for the first place prize in total number of unread entries (with a whopping 1,482 unread emails)—you are likely reluctant to add even just one more email to your already burgeoning load. I don’t blame you! It is wise to exercise discernment over your time, and that includes your reading material. Thankfully I have figured out how to use my email account’s filtering system, and one of the filters I have set shunts all of my emails from IEW directly into a file labeled “IEW” (clever title, eh?) for easy access to them without the risk that I will accidentally delete one with all of those masses of other unimportant emails that daily barrage me.

I’m thankful for this setting because it assures me that I will never miss any important correspondence from IEW, for example, one of IEW’s newsletters. We actually have four newsletters, each with a unique focus, for you to select from. Depending upon your circumstances, I suspect you will find at least one of these newsletters to be very helpful to you.

The first newsletter I’d like to highlight is our main newsletter that we send on a monthly basis. Recently we emailed the February newsletter to our subscribers. This brief communication shared links to our most recent blog posts and podcasts. Additionally it released information on Andrew Pudewa’s upcoming speaking engagements. Also communicated was news on upcoming webinars and online events as well as an opportunity to win one level of Structure and Style for Students. These monthly newsletters are useful whether you are a home educator, teacher, tutor, or hybrid/co-op instructor.

Next is brand new: “The Monthly Mug.” It is designed for all of our premium members and has the goal of highlighting some of the unique opportunities and tools that are available through Premium Membership. Information shared includes details about upcoming master classes, spotlights on various features of the Premium Membership, and a drawing for an IEW mug each month. This newsletter is a great way to learn how you can best leverage your Premium Membership to the fullest. Even better, if you have a Premium Membership, there’s no need for you to sign up. This brief emailed newsletter will come to you automatically once a month.

In addition to these monthly newsletters, we also offer newsletters on a quarterly basis for educators. The first newsletter I would like to mention is designed for schools. Are you a teacher or administrator who works in a full-time school that uses IEW materials? This newsletter is perfect for you, addressing the unique needs you likely encounter teaching Structure and Style in your classroom. If you join this mailing list, you will receive one newsletter each quarter that is targeted to your needs. Upcoming events, opportunities for writing workshops and other professional development, product spotlights, product drawings, and additional information about Structure and Style are shared in these brief communications.

Finally, IEW also offers a quarterly newsletter specifically tailored for hybrid school instructors and administrators. Just as our Schools newsletter provides helpful information to our brick-and-mortar teachers, our hybrid school newsletter provides the same, but it’s uniquely focused to help our instructors who teach in a hybrid learning situation.

If you aren’t currently signed up to receive any of our newsletters, click on this link to get started. Choose what helps you the most. And to make certain you don’t miss a single email, I suggest you also set up your filter system like I did so that all of your emails end up in the right spot, never to be missed. By reading through these newsletters, you may end up winning some curriculum, a handy mug, or simply feeling encouraged and empowered to help your students in their writing journey. It’s all great! Sign up today to receive the newsletter or newsletters that will support you as you teach Structure and Style.


Jennifer Mauser has always loved reading and writing and received a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas in 1991. Once she and her husband had children, they decided to homeschool, and she put all her training to use in the home. In addition to homeschooling her children, Jennifer teaches IEW classes out of her home, coaches budding writers via email, and tutors students who struggle with dyslexia.

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