Pursuing College in a Whole New Way – A Conversation with Dr. Nicholas Ellis: Podcast Episode 331

Jul 22, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Recently Dr. Nicholas Ellis paid a visit to IEW’s campus in Bixby, Oklahoma. Dr. Ellis is the founder and CEO of Christian Halls International (CHI), and Andrew and Julie were honored to welcome him into the recording studio.

In Podcast Episode 331 Dr. Ellis unpacks his educational background and the journey to founding CHI. From his early years homeschooling in Brazil, to studying across continents, to then obtaining his doctorate from Oxford, Dr. Ellis has a powerful story and inspiring insight to share. Now, Dr. Ellis and his organization work to cultivate community oriented, mentor-based higher education programs for students.

Dr. Ellis actually visited Oklahoma because of an exciting new partnership between IEW and CHI. Students can now receive college credit by completing Structure and Style for Students Year 1C and Fix It! Grammar Level 5: Frog Prince when enrolled through CHI. In the episode you’ll learn why CHI chose IEW’s curriculum to meet the credits for English Comp I and II.



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