A Strong September Start: Podcast Episode 154
3...2...1...Blastoff! With the launch of the school year, students are springing into IEW’s first two units—Note Making and Outlines and Writing from Notes. In Podcast 154, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker converse about... read more

A Case for Cursive
In today’s western world, children typically first learn to print before they learn cursive, if they even learn cursive at all. But is teaching a child to print before teaching cursive really the... read more

Memorization: Strengthening the Heart and Spirit of the Child
Recently, I was trying to enroll my daughter in an online history class when the dreaded “time to change your password” warning popped up. This particular institution requires me to change my password... read more

Back to School! Podcast Episode 153
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss is definitely right, and now that it’s back-to-school time, students... read more

The Value of Internships
Note: This past summer our Oklahoma office had the pleasure of hosting three college interns who traveled from all over the country to join our team. One of them, Jacob Mauser, reflected on... read more

An Invaluable Resource: The 2018–2019 Updated Premium Membership
Value. As professionals and parents, we yearn to find value not only in the way we teach our students, but also in the materials we purchase to assist us in those efforts. And... read more

Dive In! Podcast Episode 152
Does this describe you? You have been listening to the Arts of Language Podcast for a while now. The things you’ve heard on the podcast have been engaging, and you’re intrigued. But you... read more

Motivation: A Breath of Fresh Air
As educators, we all dream of the day that our students are motivated and excited about each assignment. Imagine if instead of having to pester and hound our stubborn students, they cheerfully and... read more

Metaphorically Speaking
What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech that says something is something else in order to describe it more powerfully. Metaphors are common in poetry, where poets want to... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 150
One hundred-fifty podcasts. That’s a big number! And in this 150th podcast, Andrew and Julie address listeners’ questions in our regular segment, “Ask Andrew Anything.” There are a wide range of questions asked during... read more

Plan! Prepare! Persist!
As teachers, we plunge into the school year packed full of ambition and enthusiasm. Our weeks soon become routine, peppered with papers to grade, meetings to attend, and plans to complete. Plopped into... read more

Where Are They Now? IEW Intern Kaitlyn Butts
This summer, our IEW team grew by a few more people—college interns who have been helping in a variety of ways around the office. One of these special people is Kaitlyn Butts. Enjoy... read more

Securing Your Oxygen Mask
In the somewhat musty memories tucked into the corners of my mind, I can vaguely recall my thoughts about homeschooling before I took the plunge. Perhaps I had a bit of hubris, but... read more

A New Box of Crayons
As an adult, I still associate going back to school with a particular scent—the aroma of a freshly opened box of sixty-four crayons. And at the end of the summer, when I’m shopping... read more

Boy Mom: Podcast Episode 148
Two paradoxes exist for parents and their boys. How do parents deal with a culture of children who believe they have a right to be entertained? How should parents deal with the problem that every... read more

Scheduling Fun in a Full Day
“Wait. You work nearly thirty hours a week and you’re in school?!” While attending school full time, I also work for IEW remotely. As a common small talk question, peers often ask me... read more

Busting Boredom
“He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest.” - Dylan Thomas July is National Anti-Boredom Month. It is a fitting month for it, too. After all, students have been out... read more

Usage: Compliment or Complement?
Homophones are tricky things. They can trip up even the most astute student. From a young age students work on mastering the difference between to, too, and two, for example, or there, their,... read more

An Interview with Judy Sarden: Practical Help for Homeschoolers
Author, blogger, small business consultant, and homeschool speaker Judy Sarden has a heart for homeschooling families. Out of this love she has written a book called Sarden’s Practical Guide: How to Start Homeschooling.... read more

Where Are They Now? Micah Karr: Future Journalist
The oldest of three daughters, Micah Karr grew up near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and was home educated from kindergarten through grade 12. Now in college, Micah is enjoying the... read more

Filling Your Educational Bucket
Summer. It’s a season to rest and recover from the hard work of being an educator, right? Whether you are a five-day-a-week teacher in a brick and mortar school, a co-op facilitator teaching... read more

A Strong September Start: Podcast Episode 154
3...2...1...Blastoff! With the launch of the school year, students are springing into IEW’s first two units—Note Making and Outlines and Writing... read more

A Case for Cursive
In today’s western world, children typically first learn to print before they learn cursive, if they even learn cursive at all.... read more

Memorization: Strengthening the Heart and Spirit of the Child
Recently, I was trying to enroll my daughter in an online history class when the dreaded “time to change your password”... read more

Back to School! Podcast Episode 153
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” Dr.... read more

The Value of Internships
Note: This past summer our Oklahoma office had the pleasure of hosting three college interns who traveled from all over the... read more

An Invaluable Resource: The 2018–2019 Updated Premium Membership
Value. As professionals and parents, we yearn to find value not only in the way we teach our students, but also... read more

Dive In! Podcast Episode 152
Does this describe you? You have been listening to the Arts of Language Podcast for a while now. The things you’ve... read more

Motivation: A Breath of Fresh Air
As educators, we all dream of the day that our students are motivated and excited about each assignment. Imagine if instead... read more

Metaphorically Speaking
What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech that says something is something else in order to describe... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 150
One hundred-fifty podcasts. That’s a big number! And in this 150th podcast, Andrew and Julie address listeners’ questions in our regular... read more

Plan! Prepare! Persist!
As teachers, we plunge into the school year packed full of ambition and enthusiasm. Our weeks soon become routine, peppered with... read more

Where Are They Now? IEW Intern Kaitlyn Butts
This summer, our IEW team grew by a few more people—college interns who have been helping in a variety of ways... read more

Securing Your Oxygen Mask
In the somewhat musty memories tucked into the corners of my mind, I can vaguely recall my thoughts about homeschooling before... read more

A New Box of Crayons
As an adult, I still associate going back to school with a particular scent—the aroma of a freshly opened box of... read more

Boy Mom: Podcast Episode 148
Two paradoxes exist for parents and their boys. How do parents deal with a culture of children who believe they have a... read more

Scheduling Fun in a Full Day
“Wait. You work nearly thirty hours a week and you’re in school?!” While attending school full time, I also work for... read more

Busting Boredom
“He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest.” - Dylan Thomas July is National Anti-Boredom Month. It is... read more

Usage: Compliment or Complement?
Homophones are tricky things. They can trip up even the most astute student. From a young age students work on mastering... read more

An Interview with Judy Sarden: Practical Help for Homeschoolers
Author, blogger, small business consultant, and homeschool speaker Judy Sarden has a heart for homeschooling families. Out of this love she... read more

Where Are They Now? Micah Karr: Future Journalist
The oldest of three daughters, Micah Karr grew up near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and was home educated... read more

Filling Your Educational Bucket
Summer. It’s a season to rest and recover from the hard work of being an educator, right? Whether you are a... read more