Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 160

Oct 17, 2018 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


It’s that time again! It’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything.” These podcasts, which happen every tenth episode, have become quite popular. In Episode 160, Andrew tackles questions ranging from motivation to math to mind mapping and more!

Here is a breakdown of the latest questions Andrew and Julie explore:

  • Should parents provide their students the answers to math facts if they are asked for them?
  • How should we categorize whose and whom? Can they be included with the who/which stylistic dress-up?
  • What strategies can I use to motivate my child to do more copywork?
  • Where should I start a sixth grade student in Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization? Do we have to begin at the beginning?
  • Do you have any strategies to suggest that will help my young child stop writing his numbers reversed?
  • What are some strategies I can employ regarding copywork for my gifted young child? How do I make certain to not kill her love for writing?
  • Is mind mapping an effective tool for writing?

Have you ever wondered about any of these questions? Well, wonder no further! Check out Podcast 160, and listen to Andrew’s ideas on all of these topics.

Do you have a question for Andrew? Send it in to, and it may appear on the show. And for those that don’t make it to the show, our customer service team will be happy to respond to your question privately.

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