Learning to teach writing effectively is one of the most powerful investments teachers can make in improving their instruction. In parts one and two of this training methods series, we featured video training through individual streaming and group video training facilitated by your school's administrator. In this installment, we describe a live workshop option that includes teacher training materials with no travel required.
Before the 2020 pandemic, IEW offered live Teaching Writing: Structure and Style® regional workshops in several locations across the country each summer. While these workshops were popular, participation was limited to teachers who lived near those locations or were willing to incur the cost of travel and lodging to attend. Born of necessity, IEW’s Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style workshop provided opportunities for educators to train anywhere in the United States.
How does it work?
The Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style workshop is offered each summer, presented over three days in 4.5-hour sessions. IEW Implementation Coach Jeff Nease guides participants through the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style seminar and facilitates the practicum assignments. During the live-streamed presentation, participants can ask questions using the chat feature while IEW’s Educational Consultants answer in real time.
Who should attend the Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style workshop?
- schools without a budget for live, on-site professional development
- schools that are already implementing Structure and Style in a few classrooms or school-wide but have new teachers to train
- schools of any size that would like to pilot Structure and Style with a few teachers or grade levels
- individual teachers and administrators who are interested in learning the Structure and Style method before introducing it to their schools
- hybrid school teachers
- Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and English Language Learner (ELL) specialists
- curriculum coordinators and instructional coaches
- private tutors
What are the benefits of this option?
- Virtual training provides live, interactive instruction from the comfort of home.
- It offers an additional layer of accountability and support in completing the practicum assignments for each unit.
- Once the workshop has ended each day, the link you used to join will become the link to watch the recording. If you miss part of a session or need to review a portion of the seminar, you have access to each day’s recording.
What are the challenges of this option?
- Participants need a reliable internet connection.
- Participants must allocate three days, generally during the first week of August, to participate in the workshop.
What are practicum assignments, and why are they important?
The best way to master the Structure and Style method is to practice it. During the live presentation, participants are asked to complete practicum assignments—one or more exercises for each unit, intentionally designed to help participants better understand the method before they teach it to their students. Some assignments are completed together during the workshop while others are started in the workshop and finished independently.
The practicum assignments are intended to give teachers a greater appreciation of and empathy for what their students will experience as they learn the methodology. This improves classroom instruction tremendously. We have observed that when teachers work through each structural model themselves, they understand how each unit functions and are better prepared to model the process clearly and effectively to their students.
Additionally, completing the practicum assignments furnishes firsthand experience in the progression of the stylistic techniques, provides a deeper understanding of the Structure and Style method, and contributes significantly to teaching the method with fidelity. For these reasons, Jeff Nease and our Educational Consultants focus on providing more time and support during the workshop for the completion of the practicum assignments.
What materials are included with the registration?
An order containing the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) materials needed for the workshop will be shipped to the address provided when you register. Included in the box is the Seminar Workbook, which is the training manual for the seminar videos. Additionally, the shipped materials include two cards. Activate the TWSS Forever Streaming videos in your IEW account using the smaller (half-sheet) blue card included in the box. A second, larger card is included to activate a one-year Premium Membership. You can view a short video detailing the components of the package here. For more information or to register for this year’s virtual workshop, visit IEW.com/Schools/vtwss.
To speak with an Educational Consultant (EC) about the workshop, the materials, or piloting Structure and Style in your classroom or school, call 800.856.5815. If you are already working with one of our ECs, feel free to contact him or her directly.
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By Jean Nichols