“I Don’t Want To, but I Will”—Beating the Mid-Semester Blues
It was a classic mid-spring semester burnout. Cold and cloudy got me feeling uninspired and unprepared, to the point I found myself intently hoping that the roads would be icy enough to provide... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 130
Every ten episodes of The Arts of Language Podcast is extra special. On those occasions, Andrew takes the opportunity to answer your questions that come in through Podcast@IEW.com. It’s an enjoyable podcast to... read more

Reclaiming the Joy
# # by Lucy Shopen Just over one year ago, I started working at IEW in the customer service department. A month before I began, I was excitedly conversing with one of my sisters about the... read more

Catching Up with Janet Spitler: Podcast Episode 129
# # In our latest podcast, Julie Walker had the opportunity to catch up with Janet Spitler, and that’s no easy feat! Janet is IEW’s Senior Educational Consultant for the Schools Division and is devotedly... read more

Reading: Time Well Spent
We have so little time to spend. The hustle and bustle of teaching a multiplicity of subjects to students takes long hours to accomplish. If educators were asked what their goals were for... read more

The Polishing Process
Oh, the thrill of receiving back my Young Authors of Illinois submission with a gold foil sticker embossed with a large star and the word Winner! My masterpiece... read more

Beating Burnout: Podcast Episode 125
Burnout. It’s something that virtually all educators, traditional or homeschool, have felt from time to time. As a home educator, I know I certainly have felt it. For me it typically rears its ugly... read more

2017: A Personal Recap
Did you know that, according to Statistic Brain, of all the people who firmly resolve to make some serious changes in their life starting precisely at 00:00:00 on January 1, less than ten... read more

Charting Your Vision for Success
2017 is over and done, and 2018 has arrived. Each year, people make grandiose resolutions for how they’ll change their lives. But many allow their resolve to shrivel, their tenacity to wither, and... read more

A Podcast with Heidi St. John: Episode 122
Now that the relaxing Christmas break is over, are you finding yourself suddenly thrust back in the business of life and already feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? You are not alone! Check out this... read more

How IEW Changed My Life...No, Really
Each day throughout the week I am privileged to interact and correspond with parents and students who are either just starting their IEW journey or continuing through it in the hope that their... read more

“I Don’t Want To, but I Will”—Beating the Mid-Semester Blues
It was a classic mid-spring semester burnout. Cold and cloudy got me feeling uninspired and unprepared, to the point I found... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 130
Every ten episodes of The Arts of Language Podcast is extra special. On those occasions, Andrew takes the opportunity to answer... read more

Reclaiming the Joy
# # by Lucy Shopen Just over one year ago, I started working at IEW in the customer service department. A month before I... read more

Catching Up with Janet Spitler: Podcast Episode 129
# # In our latest podcast, Julie Walker had the opportunity to catch up with Janet Spitler, and that’s no easy feat! Janet... read more

Reading: Time Well Spent
We have so little time to spend. The hustle and bustle of teaching a multiplicity of subjects to students takes long... read more

The Polishing Process
Oh, the thrill of receiving back my Young Authors of Illinois submission with a gold foil... read more

Beating Burnout: Podcast Episode 125
Burnout. It’s something that virtually all educators, traditional or homeschool, have felt from time to time. As a home educator, I know... read more

2017: A Personal Recap
Did you know that, according to Statistic Brain, of all the people who firmly resolve to make some serious changes in... read more

Charting Your Vision for Success
2017 is over and done, and 2018 has arrived. Each year, people make grandiose resolutions for how they’ll change their lives.... read more

A Podcast with Heidi St. John: Episode 122
Now that the relaxing Christmas break is over, are you finding yourself suddenly thrust back in the business of life and... read more

How IEW Changed My Life...No, Really
Each day throughout the week I am privileged to interact and correspond with parents and students who are either just starting... read more