The Gift of Teaching
“In addition to using the right teaching method and having patience while children mature, we must also have the right attitude in coaching our students.” – Andrew Pudewa As the Christmas season settles itself... read more

How to Give Yourself the Gift of Time this Christmas
Enjoy this guest blog post written by Pamela Barnhill of Your Morning Basket. I can be somewhat of a Christmas Grinch. A few years ago when my children were 7, 5, and 3, my husband... read more

How to Simplify the Season
Enjoy this special blog post by guest blogger Kristi Clover, creator of the Simply Joyful podcast. Christmas time is one of my favorite times of the year. There is just something about all the... read more

Where Are They Now? Jemma Swift, Author of Forever Riders
Authoring a book is an intimidating prospect. And if it’s illustrated, that introduces even more challenges. For Jemma Swift—homeschooled student, first-time-author, and sister to co-illustrator Eliza Swift—”intimidating” was not in her vocabulary. Oh,... read more

Jill’s Gems: Adjusting the Bar for Success, One Child at a Time
Our customer service team is available for you to ask questions, share successes, and receive encouragement. Recently a member wondered about how to help her child prepare his speeches for his co-op class.... read more

Where Are They Now? Nathanael Olander: Future Computer Scientist
# Nathanael Olander grew up an “IEW kid.” His mom, Danielle Olander, is an IEW homeschool exhibitor. Together the two of them authored Rockets, Radar, & Robotics*, a technology-themed writing curriculum. The idea for... read more

The Right Tool Matters
Imagine a hammer on Jell-O®, a screwdriver for surgery, or a round peg in a square hole. The wrong tool at the wrong time can impair what we’re doing. That’s bad enough when we’re... read more

My Battle with the Blank Page
Writer’s block. Is this phrase as ominous for everyone else as it is for me? Like someone stuck in a cell block, I envision myself sitting in a prison cell, cold, alone, and... read more

Calm in the Storm
As a member of the IEW “remote” team, I make my home near St. Augustine, Florida. It’s a beautiful city in a lovely part of the state, and I enjoy my home in... read more

“The Buck Stops Here”
In Harry Truman’s day, people who shirked responsibility and shifted blame were accused of “passing the buck.” According to the Truman Library website, in an address at the National War College in December... read more

Small Successes Matter
“Children like to do what they think they can do.” -Andrew Pudewa Dream big! Seize the day! Change the world! Our environment is full of these sorts of... read more

The Gift of Teaching
“In addition to using the right teaching method and having patience while children mature, we must also have the right attitude... read more

How to Give Yourself the Gift of Time this Christmas
Enjoy this guest blog post written by Pamela Barnhill of Your Morning Basket. I can be somewhat of a Christmas Grinch. A few... read more

How to Simplify the Season
Enjoy this special blog post by guest blogger Kristi Clover, creator of the Simply Joyful podcast. Christmas time is one of my... read more

Where Are They Now? Jemma Swift, Author of Forever Riders
Authoring a book is an intimidating prospect. And if it’s illustrated, that introduces even more challenges. For Jemma Swift—homeschooled student, first-time-author,... read more

Jill’s Gems: Adjusting the Bar for Success, One Child at a Time
Our customer service team is available for you to ask questions, share successes, and receive encouragement. Recently a member wondered about... read more

Where Are They Now? Nathanael Olander: Future Computer Scientist
# Nathanael Olander grew up an “IEW kid.” His mom, Danielle Olander, is an IEW homeschool exhibitor. Together the two of them... read more

The Right Tool Matters
Imagine a hammer on Jell-O®, a screwdriver for surgery, or a round peg in a square hole. The wrong tool at the... read more

My Battle with the Blank Page
Writer’s block. Is this phrase as ominous for everyone else as it is for me? Like someone stuck in a cell... read more

Calm in the Storm
As a member of the IEW “remote” team, I make my home near St. Augustine, Florida. It’s a beautiful city in... read more

“The Buck Stops Here”
In Harry Truman’s day, people who shirked responsibility and shifted blame were accused of “passing the buck.” According to the Truman... read more

Small Successes Matter
“Children like to do what they think they can do.” -Andrew Pudewa Dream big! Seize the... read more