Securing Your Oxygen Mask
In the somewhat musty memories tucked into the corners of my mind, I can vaguely recall my thoughts about homeschooling before I took the plunge. Perhaps I had a bit of hubris, but... read more

A New Box of Crayons
As an adult, I still associate going back to school with a particular scent—the aroma of a freshly opened box of sixty-four crayons. And at the end of the summer, when I’m shopping... read more

Boy Mom: Podcast Episode 148
Two paradoxes exist for parents and their boys. How do parents deal with a culture of children who believe they have a right to be entertained? How should parents deal with the problem that every... read more

An Interview with Judy Sarden: Practical Help for Homeschoolers
Author, blogger, small business consultant, and homeschool speaker Judy Sarden has a heart for homeschooling families. Out of this love she has written a book called Sarden’s Practical Guide: How to Start Homeschooling.... read more

Filling Your Educational Bucket
Summer. It’s a season to rest and recover from the hard work of being an educator, right? Whether you are a five-day-a-week teacher in a brick and mortar school, a co-op facilitator teaching... read more

Becoming an Imperfectionist
On June 17 in the United States, we celebrate Father’s Day, a day to recognize the special role that fathers hold in their families. Evan Smith, one of our fabulous IEW dads, wrote... read more

Making Boring Content Fascinating
Even after debating in high school for five years and attending college for over two years, the thought of sitting through a lecture still bores me. Although I know how to effectively take... read more

Where Are They Now? Ryan Cardinale, Author and Administrator
Our IEW alumni enter the professional world well equipped with solid communication skills, whether their jobs are in journalism, science, law, or somewhere else. Today we feature a former student who has taken... read more

Do Blank Stares Mean I Have Failed? A Teachable Moment
Moments prior to having eight peering and baffled faces staring at me with astonished eyes, I had proudly declared today’s Latin class was going to start out with good old-fashioned review. First and... read more

Conquering Time and the Digital Age
Since starting college in the fall of 2015, I’ve had very little time to read for pleasure. I have deep admiration for those who manage to find the time to read in such... read more

Spring into Nature
Spring. A time of fresh flowers, warm weather, and long walks. In the spring, neighborhoods buzz with the sound of lawn mower engines, and the aroma of newly cut grass greets hopeful children... read more

Securing Your Oxygen Mask
In the somewhat musty memories tucked into the corners of my mind, I can vaguely recall my thoughts about homeschooling before... read more

A New Box of Crayons
As an adult, I still associate going back to school with a particular scent—the aroma of a freshly opened box of... read more

Boy Mom: Podcast Episode 148
Two paradoxes exist for parents and their boys. How do parents deal with a culture of children who believe they have a... read more

An Interview with Judy Sarden: Practical Help for Homeschoolers
Author, blogger, small business consultant, and homeschool speaker Judy Sarden has a heart for homeschooling families. Out of this love she... read more

Filling Your Educational Bucket
Summer. It’s a season to rest and recover from the hard work of being an educator, right? Whether you are a... read more

Becoming an Imperfectionist
On June 17 in the United States, we celebrate Father’s Day, a day to recognize the special role that fathers hold... read more

Making Boring Content Fascinating
Even after debating in high school for five years and attending college for over two years, the thought of sitting through... read more

Where Are They Now? Ryan Cardinale, Author and Administrator
Our IEW alumni enter the professional world well equipped with solid communication skills, whether their jobs are in journalism, science, law,... read more

Do Blank Stares Mean I Have Failed? A Teachable Moment
Moments prior to having eight peering and baffled faces staring at me with astonished eyes, I had proudly declared today’s Latin... read more

Conquering Time and the Digital Age
Since starting college in the fall of 2015, I’ve had very little time to read for pleasure. I have deep admiration... read more

Spring into Nature
Spring. A time of fresh flowers, warm weather, and long walks. In the spring, neighborhoods buzz with the sound of lawn... read more