Imagination: An Engine for World Change
I am a game designer and a world builder, and so imagination is as much a part of my everyday existence as a scalpel is to a surgeon’s. I desire to infuse my... read more

Fathers Matter
This month we celebrate Father’s Day, that time of the year when we take a special moment to cherish all of the phenomenal dads who encourage, support, and believe in us. Not only... read more

From the Forums: Penmanship and Perfectionism
Our forums are a wonderful community space where members gather to ask questions, encourage each other, and share successes. Jill Pike, Accomplished IEW Instructor and author, pops in from time to time, offering... read more

Mothers Matter
Happy Mother’s Day! May is a fantastic month to take a look at the benefits and blessings of motherhood. While raising children can certainly bring about a few gray hairs, it may be... read more

Mother: Creating a Legacy of Love and Learning
In 1988 my parents decided that home education was the best option for our family. We lived in California at the time, and other families in our church also homeschooled. Little did we... read more

Amy Wormald: IEW Student, Teacher, and Advisor
Amy Wormald is an in-the-trenches veteran of IEW, both learning from and teaching the Structure and Style Writing Method. She learned writing as a student through IEW and then used it as a... read more

Encouraging Creativity: Out of the Mouths of Babes
Our IEW forum is a robust community of parents, teachers, co-op facilitators, and hybrid school instructors all coming together to support one another in implementing IEW. Every once in a while, a forum... read more

Growth Through Goal Setting in 2017
We are now a month into 2017. It is a crucial time of the year for those of us bold enough to create annual goals. It is tempting to give up the effort... read more

A Head Full of Hats: Life of a Homeschool Mom
Like Dr. Seuss’ beloved Bartholomew Cubbins, parents wear many hats. Unlike Bartholomew, who couldn’t seem to take off all his hats, we are able, at times, to lay aside a hat or two.... read more

How a Hybrid School Found Success with IEW
Louis Lemmon: Hybrid School Administrator Founded in 2005, Lake Pointe Academy is a K–12 University-Model® school of approximately 195 students. Louis Lemmon served for two years as a teacher, and then began serving as head... read more

A Special Needs Child Meets PAL
This past month of October, our focus has been on special needs. We’d like to share again a special post that came out in 2014. It’s an interview in which one mom, Stacia... read more

Imagination: An Engine for World Change
I am a game designer and a world builder, and so imagination is as much a part of my everyday existence... read more

Fathers Matter
This month we celebrate Father’s Day, that time of the year when we take a special moment to cherish all of... read more

From the Forums: Penmanship and Perfectionism
Our forums are a wonderful community space where members gather to ask questions, encourage each other, and share successes. Jill Pike,... read more

Mothers Matter
Happy Mother’s Day! May is a fantastic month to take a look at the benefits and blessings of motherhood. While raising... read more

Mother: Creating a Legacy of Love and Learning
In 1988 my parents decided that home education was the best option for our family. We lived in California at the... read more

Amy Wormald: IEW Student, Teacher, and Advisor
Amy Wormald is an in-the-trenches veteran of IEW, both learning from and teaching the Structure and Style Writing Method. She learned... read more

Encouraging Creativity: Out of the Mouths of Babes
Our IEW forum is a robust community of parents, teachers, co-op facilitators, and hybrid school instructors all coming together to support... read more

Growth Through Goal Setting in 2017
We are now a month into 2017. It is a crucial time of the year for those of us bold enough... read more

A Head Full of Hats: Life of a Homeschool Mom
Like Dr. Seuss’ beloved Bartholomew Cubbins, parents wear many hats. Unlike Bartholomew, who couldn’t seem to take off all his hats,... read more

How a Hybrid School Found Success with IEW
Louis Lemmon: Hybrid School Administrator Founded in 2005, Lake Pointe Academy is a K–12 University-Model® school of approximately 195 students. Louis Lemmon served... read more

A Special Needs Child Meets PAL
This past month of October, our focus has been on special needs. We’d like to share again a special post that... read more