Usage: Lay or Lie?
Lay versus lie. These two verbs perennially perplex even the most astute grammarian in terms of correct usage. Hopefully in today’s blog post, we can help you feel more confident as you use... read more

“Equipping Your Student with Secret Weapons for the Fall”: Podcast Episode 194
School’s out! Time to put away the books and forget about school for a few precious, sun-drenched, fun-filled months, right? Wrong! And in Podcast Episode 194, Andrew and Julie talk about why. As... read more

Inspiring Learning
“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline and a life”– Charlotte Mason “Come on,” I groaned. “Just one game of chess! Just one!” I looked up at my father with pleading eyes. “I told you El,... read more

A Conversation about Grammar: Podcast Episode 181
March is National Grammar month, so for this month we have been highlighting the topic in our blog as well as on Facebook. Our podcast is no different, and in Podcast Episode 181,... read more

Why Grammar?
The three R’s—reading, writing, and arithmetic—are generally agreed to be the foundation upon which all other subjects, including science and history, are laid. But buried within the writing component is the thing we... read more

Grammar Check: Farther or Further?
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 160
It’s that time again! It’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything.” These podcasts, which happen every tenth episode, have become quite popular. In Episode 160, Andrew tackles questions ranging from motivation to math... read more

Understanding Idioms
Idioms. We use them in our everyday conversations, but because they are so ingrained into our language structure, we rarely stop to give them a thought. If you had asked me to define... read more

Metaphorically Speaking
What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech that says something is something else in order to describe it more powerfully. Metaphors are common in poetry, where poets want to... read more

Usage: Compliment or Complement?
Homophones are tricky things. They can trip up even the most astute student. From a young age students work on mastering the difference between to, too, and two, for example, or there, their,... read more

Usage: Lay or Lie?
Lay versus lie. These two verbs perennially perplex even the most astute grammarian in terms of correct usage. Hopefully in today’s... read more

“Equipping Your Student with Secret Weapons for the Fall”: Podcast Episode 194
School’s out! Time to put away the books and forget about school for a few precious, sun-drenched, fun-filled months, right? Wrong!... read more

Inspiring Learning
“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline and a life”– Charlotte Mason “Come on,” I groaned. “Just one game of chess! Just one!”... read more

A Conversation about Grammar: Podcast Episode 181
March is National Grammar month, so for this month we have been highlighting the topic in our blog as well as... read more

Why Grammar?
The three R’s—reading, writing, and arithmetic—are generally agreed to be the foundation upon which all other subjects, including science and history,... read more

Grammar Check: Farther or Further?
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 160
It’s that time again! It’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything.” These podcasts, which happen every tenth episode, have become quite... read more

Understanding Idioms
Idioms. We use them in our everyday conversations, but because they are so ingrained into our language structure, we rarely stop... read more

Metaphorically Speaking
What is a metaphor? A metaphor is a figure of speech that says something is something else in order to describe... read more

Usage: Compliment or Complement?
Homophones are tricky things. They can trip up even the most astute student. From a young age students work on mastering... read more