Saving Grammar
“Grammar is important. Language should be precise. We must teach it well. However, let us not be confused or distracted by feeling a need to teach formal grammar too soon to children who... read more

Perfecting Pieces for Publication—An Interview with Maria Gerber
Behind every great writer is a great editor. This holds true for nearly all great authors, and for us at IEW. IEW has a small but sharp team of editors who work on... read more

Catching Up with Janet Spitler: Podcast Episode 129
# # In our latest podcast, Julie Walker had the opportunity to catch up with Janet Spitler, and that’s no easy feat! Janet is IEW’s Senior Educational Consultant for the Schools Division and is devotedly... read more

Grammar Check: Affect or Effect?
Words are funny little things. Each letter matters. Words that sound alike, called homophones (homo = same, phone = sound), have different spellings and different meanings. As such, they are easily confusable and... read more

Punctuation Matters!
Many of us have seen the meme, Let’s eat Grandma! It’s a powerful reminder how a tiny little punctuation mark, the comma, imparts so much significance to a sentence. A serene little comma... read more

World Emoji Day ?
It was late in the evening on July 17, and I was mindlessly scrolling through my news feed on my tablet when a small blurb caught my eye. It was World Emoji Day.... read more

Fix It! Grammar for Internationals
I am excited to share a new way to use Fix It! Grammar that I have discovered this year. Starting with Book 1, The Nose Tree,... read more

Fix It! Grammar: Digging Deeper
Last week we answered some of your general questions about Fix It! Grammar. This week we thought we’d take a closer look at each of the books in the series and go a... read more

Editing Matters!
For every benefit that our modern device-based technologies bring, there is a cost, and autocorrect is no exception. For those who use this tool, muddled messes can arise when they send messages without... read more

The Making of Fix It!: IEW Author and Grammar Guru Pamela White
Pamela White is IEW’s “grammar guru.” Author of the popular Fix It! Grammar series and IEW’s online department head for Level C classes, Pamela recently sat down with us to talk about how she... read more

I Learned English in a Latin Classroom
It is said that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. It breaks its own rules more than it follows them, and the rules it does follow can be confusing. However,... read more

Saving Grammar
“Grammar is important. Language should be precise. We must teach it well. However, let us not be confused or distracted by... read more

Perfecting Pieces for Publication—An Interview with Maria Gerber
Behind every great writer is a great editor. This holds true for nearly all great authors, and for us at IEW.... read more

Catching Up with Janet Spitler: Podcast Episode 129
# # In our latest podcast, Julie Walker had the opportunity to catch up with Janet Spitler, and that’s no easy feat! Janet... read more

Grammar Check: Affect or Effect?
Words are funny little things. Each letter matters. Words that sound alike, called homophones (homo = same, phone = sound), have... read more

Punctuation Matters!
Many of us have seen the meme, Let’s eat Grandma! It’s a powerful reminder how a tiny little punctuation mark, the... read more

World Emoji Day ?
It was late in the evening on July 17, and I was mindlessly scrolling through my news feed on my tablet... read more

Fix It! Grammar for Internationals
I am excited to share a new way to use Fix It! Grammar that... read more

Fix It! Grammar: Digging Deeper
Last week we answered some of your general questions about Fix It! Grammar. This week we thought we’d take a closer... read more

Editing Matters!
For every benefit that our modern device-based technologies bring, there is a cost, and autocorrect is no exception. For those who... read more

The Making of Fix It!: IEW Author and Grammar Guru Pamela White
Pamela White is IEW’s “grammar guru.” Author of the popular Fix It! Grammar series and IEW’s online department head for Level C... read more

I Learned English in a Latin Classroom
It is said that English is one of the hardest languages to learn. It breaks its own rules more than it... read more