Wrestling with Words
“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for any length of time has undoubtedly heard these words, usually in a... read more

Furnishing the Mind with Grammar
This year at IEW, we are focusing on furnishing the mind. Just as we arrange furniture in our homes to create a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing environment, the mind too requires intentional furnishing.... read more

But . . . but . . . but . . . What about Grammar?
Everyone has opinions about grammar. Because grammar is foundational to writing, IEW is often asked about the teaching of grammar. In his talk But . . . but . . . but .... read more

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar
Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments are methods of measuring students' learning and progress. They are essential tools... read more

Punctuation Marks: Colons and Semicolons
Look closely at the title. Why is there a colon? How does a colon differ from a semicolon? Fix It! Grammar has the answers, and students who use the grammar program will not only... read more

Identifying the Function of Past Participles
A recent blog post discussed the different functions that a participle ending in -ing can have. More confusion may arise when a participle ends in -ed. A past participle is formed by adding... read more

Style Check: Learning about the -ly Adverb
In IEW’s list of stylistic techniques, the first dress-up students learn and practice is the -ly adverb. One of the eight parts of speech, adverbs modify (add information to) verbs, adjectives, or other... read more

Are -ing Words Verbs or Adjectives?
Students commonly struggle to mark -ing words correctly in papers and in Fix It! Grammar. Students who ask the right questions can know with certainty if an -ing word functions as a verb... read more

Reinforcing Grammar Concepts in Students’ Writing
As a homeschooling mom, co-op teacher, and now a classroom teacher, I have found that Fix It!™ Grammar is the most practical and painless way to teach and learn grammar. In Andrew Pudewa’s... read more

To Use or Not to Use First and Second Person Pronouns
In this paper I will talk about. . . . For some of you, those words sound like fingernails on a chalkboard. Most writing resources tell writers to avoid using first and second... read more

Navigating Tricky Word Pairs
Affect or effect? Biannual or biennial? Illusion or allusion? These are just a few of the word pairs we have examined in past blog posts. These pairings can from time to time trip... read more

Wrestling with Words
“Why do I have to underline the dress-ups?” Any parent or teacher who has used the Structure and Style® methodology for... read more

Furnishing the Mind with Grammar
This year at IEW, we are focusing on furnishing the mind. Just as we arrange furniture in our homes to create... read more

But . . . but . . . but . . . What about Grammar?
Everyone has opinions about grammar. Because grammar is foundational to writing, IEW is often asked about the teaching of grammar. In... read more

Assessing Student Growth with Fix It! Grammar
Teachers in school classrooms need opportunities for assessing student growth whether by traditional tests or by some other assessment. Educational assessments... read more

Punctuation Marks: Colons and Semicolons
Look closely at the title. Why is there a colon? How does a colon differ from a semicolon? Fix It! Grammar has... read more

Identifying the Function of Past Participles
A recent blog post discussed the different functions that a participle ending in -ing can have. More confusion may arise when... read more

Style Check: Learning about the -ly Adverb
In IEW’s list of stylistic techniques, the first dress-up students learn and practice is the -ly adverb. One of the eight... read more

Are -ing Words Verbs or Adjectives?
Students commonly struggle to mark -ing words correctly in papers and in Fix It! Grammar. Students who ask the right questions... read more

Reinforcing Grammar Concepts in Students’ Writing
As a homeschooling mom, co-op teacher, and now a classroom teacher, I have found that Fix It!™ Grammar is the most... read more

To Use or Not to Use First and Second Person Pronouns
In this paper I will talk about. . . . For some of you, those words sound like fingernails on a... read more

Navigating Tricky Word Pairs
Affect or effect? Biannual or biennial? Illusion or allusion? These are just a few of the word pairs we have examined... read more