
Teaching Students to Think

If you missed the gifts given for Day 2, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 207: Thinking – The Quintessence of the Four Language Arts Podcast Episode 236: The Five Canons of Rhetoric,... read more

Dec 27, 2022

Getting Started with IEW

If you missed the gifts given for Day 1, you can still access these resources. the first three weeks of Structure and Style for Students Podcast Episode 339: Teaching Writing with Confidence   It only makes sense that IEW’s... read more

Dec 26, 2022

Share the Joy!

Christmas. For many the word conjures up thoughts of brightly decorated Christmas trees, savory scents of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger wafting from the kitchen, and merry sounds of traditional Christmas carols sung on... read more

Dec 12, 2022

Partnering through the Premium Membership: Podcast Episode 179

  In 2015, the second edition of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) was released. Also contained in the box was a card that had a code printed on it. This code gave its... read more

Mar 04, 2019

Teaching Students to Think

If you missed the gifts given for Day 2, you can still access these resources: Podcast Episode 207: Thinking – The Quintessence... read more

Getting Started with IEW

If you missed the gifts given for Day 1, you can still access these resources. the first three weeks of Structure and Style... read more


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Share the Joy!

Christmas. For many the word conjures up thoughts of brightly decorated Christmas trees, savory scents of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger wafting... read more

Partnering through the Premium Membership: Podcast Episode 179

  In 2015, the second edition of Teaching Writing: Structure and Style (TWSS) was released. Also contained in the box was a... read more


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