Engaging Grammar That Students Enjoy

Dec 29, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

If you missed the gifts given for Day 4, you can still access these resources:


Although sometimes grammar does not seem to be important in today’s world when you look at the plethora of grammar errors infiltrating emails, blog posts, and even storefront signage, proper grammar is necessary for credibility, readability, communication, and clarity. During the Twelve Days of Christmas Giving, IEW has offered the perfect gifts to help students focus on this important aspect of their learning.

First on the fourth day of giving’s gift list are the first four lessons (PDF) from the first four levels of Fix It! Grammar to help students familiarize themselves with the Fix It! Grammar program. You can still access free grammar lessons here!

Andrew Pudewa’s But, but, but … What about Grammar? audio presentation helps parents and teachers who wonder about the most effective way to teach grammar to their students. This talk will help you understand and implement grammar instruction that sticks.

The Fix It! Grammar Glossary, which is included in Premium Membership, is the third gift of the day. This is the go-to resource to help you answer your students’ questions about grammar and usage. Are you uncertain if a word is functioning as an adverb or an adjective? The Grammar Glossary will help you find not only the answer but also the why behind the answer. Do you wonder if that comma belongs where it is? The Grammar Glossary will come to the rescue!

Along with the lessons and other resources, there are links to vocabulary practice through Quizlet, an online study aid. Students can review flashcards or turn the review into a game, which is a fun way to expand their vocabulary.

As you consider the importance of grammar, add these podcast episodes to your playlist. “The Great Grammar Give and Take” (Podcasts 228 and 229) describes the challenges students face when they don’t have a solid foundation in grammar and discusses how Fix It! Grammar helps to alleviate that problem.

Today’s post is written by Tina McMahel, IEW Online Instructor, Customer Service Consultant, and IEW Certified Instructor.



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