
A Tandem Team for a Successful First Year: SSS and TWSS

The start of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner! Here at the Institute for Excellence in Writing, the Schools Division Educational Consultants have been working diligently for months to help... read more

Jul 21, 2023

Dispelling Darkness One Book at a Time

It’s midsummer. By now your kids are tired of the pool, tired of the playground, and tired of having nothing to do. Perhaps you are hearing “I’m bored” come out of their mouths... read more

Jun 29, 2023

Where are they now? Christian Taylor: Content Creator

For many people, YouTube serves as their primary digital space to learn and be entertained. Today’s featured IEW graduate, Christian Taylor, is a popular YouTuber who provides his viewers with helpful videos and... read more

Jun 22, 2023

Where are they now? Elizabeth Cook: Called to Academia

From dealing with blank-page anxiety to preparing for a dissertation, IEW has helped a number of students in their personal, academic, and professional development. This blog post features another graduate of IEW, Elizabeth... read more

Jun 22, 2023

Three Reasons Your Teen Should Do Public Speaking

Now that high school is far in my rearview mirror, I can attest that the most formative academic experience I had in my teen years was competing in a speech and debate league. At... read more

Jun 08, 2023

Refreshing Routines

For many teachers and teaching parents, summer is a time to relax. Another school year is in the books. Long lazy days lie before you as you take a deep breath and put... read more

May 25, 2023

Celebrating End of the Year Progress

The last day of school is almost here! Students’ minds are already thinking weeks ahead about camps, road trips, swimming, and all the other activities that get packed into their short break from... read more

May 11, 2023

Where are they now? Brenna Fisher: From Homeschool to Law School and Beyond

Graduates of IEW go on to pursue a wide range of careers. Some become journalists. Others work in academia. And others move into ministry. There is always demand for people who can effectively... read more

May 08, 2023

Three Habits for Ending the Year

I remember my first years teaching in the classroom. Almost everyone advised me to start the year strongly because it would affect my whole year, but I don’t remember ever hearing that I... read more

May 05, 2023

Observations of an IEW Online Class

IEW Online classes are a perfect option for students who want to work through the Structure and Style for Students program but whose parents would prefer someone else to review the students’ work. The... read more

Apr 14, 2023

Welcome to Convention Season!

With the warming of the weather and the winding down of the academic year, the homeschool conference season is now beginning. Are you attending your local homeschool convention this year? There are many... read more

Mar 10, 2023

A Tandem Team for a Successful First Year: SSS and TWSS

The start of the 2023-2024 school year is just around the corner! Here at the Institute for Excellence in Writing, the... read more

Dispelling Darkness One Book at a Time

It’s midsummer. By now your kids are tired of the pool, tired of the playground, and tired of having nothing to... read more


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Where are they now? Christian Taylor: Content Creator

For many people, YouTube serves as their primary digital space to learn and be entertained. Today’s featured IEW graduate, Christian Taylor,... read more

Where are they now? Elizabeth Cook: Called to Academia

From dealing with blank-page anxiety to preparing for a dissertation, IEW has helped a number of students in their personal, academic,... read more

Three Reasons Your Teen Should Do Public Speaking

Now that high school is far in my rearview mirror, I can attest that the most formative academic experience I had... read more

Refreshing Routines

For many teachers and teaching parents, summer is a time to relax. Another school year is in the books. Long lazy... read more

Celebrating End of the Year Progress

The last day of school is almost here! Students’ minds are already thinking weeks ahead about camps, road trips, swimming, and... read more

Where are they now? Brenna Fisher: From Homeschool to Law School and Beyond

Graduates of IEW go on to pursue a wide range of careers. Some become journalists. Others work in academia. And others... read more

Three Habits for Ending the Year

I remember my first years teaching in the classroom. Almost everyone advised me to start the year strongly because it would... read more

Observations of an IEW Online Class

IEW Online classes are a perfect option for students who want to work through the Structure and Style for Students program but... read more

Welcome to Convention Season!

With the warming of the weather and the winding down of the academic year, the homeschool conference season is now beginning.... read more


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