Building a Fortress of Encouragement
"Sometimes we feel like if we can't do it perfectly, we won't have success. The truth is, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing imperfectly. So go ahead and just do your best."... read more

The Benefits of Teaching Cursive: Podcast Episode 188
Common Core standards do not have a provision that mandates the teaching of cursive in schools. Instead they emphasize the primacy of developing computer skills, including keyboarding. This is unfortunate, and in fact... read more

On IEW and Autism and Success: Podcast Episode 186
“It’s teaching them to think out what they want to say really methodically. That’s so good for autistic kids!” Marie Greenhalgh Teaching writing to students is challenging, but when our students have other struggles,... read more

So What, Exactly, is Dysgraphia?
As a wielder of words, I recognize that they hold a great deal of power. Words can buoy a person up or, conversely, tear them down. Words have the potential to paint vibrant... read more

Thoughts on Dyslexia
Recently we held a webinar that focused on dyslexia, the most common learning disability in the United States. During the presentation Andrew Pudewa shared some basic information on what dyslexia actually is (hint,... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 160
It’s that time again! It’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything.” These podcasts, which happen every tenth episode, have become quite popular. In Episode 160, Andrew tackles questions ranging from motivation to math... read more

A Conversation with Susan Barton: Podcast Episode 159
Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker recently welcomed Susan Barton into the studio. Susan is the developer of the Barton Reading and Spelling System. An Orton-Gillingham-based program of instruction, it teaches individuals who are... read more

On Receiving Accommodations for ACT and SAT—A Personal Story
As a homeschooling parent with a special needs student, I was nervous for high school to begin. I wanted my daughter to be able to go to college if she wanted, and I... read more

Help for the Special Journey
The month of October is filled with special observances from the silly to the serious. For example, the month claims to be, among other things, National Positive Attitude Month. Other observances include Bullying... read more

Tutoring with IEW—A Win-Win!
IEW is taught across homes and schools all around the world. Often it is a teacher or parent who guides students through the IEW approach to writing, but tutors who meet with students... read more

The Special Education Journey: Podcast Episode 143
ADHD, ASD, APD, PDD-NOS, SLD. If you know any of these acronyms, you may be the parent of a child who struggles with learning disabilities. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia are other common learning... read more

Building a Fortress of Encouragement
"Sometimes we feel like if we can't do it perfectly, we won't have success. The truth is, if it's worth doing,... read more

The Benefits of Teaching Cursive: Podcast Episode 188
Common Core standards do not have a provision that mandates the teaching of cursive in schools. Instead they emphasize the primacy... read more

On IEW and Autism and Success: Podcast Episode 186
“It’s teaching them to think out what they want to say really methodically. That’s so good for autistic kids!” Marie Greenhalgh Teaching... read more

So What, Exactly, is Dysgraphia?
As a wielder of words, I recognize that they hold a great deal of power. Words can buoy a person up... read more

Thoughts on Dyslexia
Recently we held a webinar that focused on dyslexia, the most common learning disability in the United States. During the presentation... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 160
It’s that time again! It’s time for another “Ask Andrew Anything.” These podcasts, which happen every tenth episode, have become quite... read more

A Conversation with Susan Barton: Podcast Episode 159
Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker recently welcomed Susan Barton into the studio. Susan is the developer of the Barton Reading and... read more

On Receiving Accommodations for ACT and SAT—A Personal Story
As a homeschooling parent with a special needs student, I was nervous for high school to begin. I wanted my daughter... read more

Help for the Special Journey
The month of October is filled with special observances from the silly to the serious. For example, the month claims to... read more

Tutoring with IEW—A Win-Win!
IEW is taught across homes and schools all around the world. Often it is a teacher or parent who guides students... read more

The Special Education Journey: Podcast Episode 143
ADHD, ASD, APD, PDD-NOS, SLD. If you know any of these acronyms, you may be the parent of a child who... read more