Beyond Surviving: A Story of Thriving with ADHD
In my house I have a son who I’m trying to help grow up into the man he’s meant to be. He is my sweet, precious boy, and I love him very much.... read more

Teaching Students on the Spectrum: Wisdom from the IEW Forum
“I have a 16-year-old son who has autism and is behind in writing skills. We are currently working with 4th grade level material. He can read phonetically at an even higher level, but... read more

Dyslexia: Finding Help and Hope for Your Struggling Reader
The tear tracks were still visible when I tucked my eight-year-old daughter into bed that night. We had had another painful experience with reading that evening. I knew she was bright; her vocabulary... read more

Help for Dysgraphia – Hands off Content; Hands on Style
Teaching children who have learning challenges can be particularly challenging. How do you make sure that your requirements and expectations don’t exceed—or underestimate—student abilities? One homeschooling mother of a teenage son with dysgraphia... read more

When My Daughter Finally Started Writing
Learning is a struggle for some, and sometimes learning to write seems like an impossible task. We received this testimony from a mom whose daughter—now in college—had extreme learning difficulties. With IEW’s help,... read more

Don’t Let Dyslexia Get You Down
Do you have a student with dyslexia? Join the club. Quite an impressive club, in fact: Entertainers: Jay Leno, Steven Spielberg, and Walt Disney Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol Athletes: Muhammad Ali,... read more

Hope for Your Struggling Learner
My brother struggled tremendously with learning to read. In my dad’s words, “He was the most dyslexic kid I’ve ever met.” It wasn’t till he was almost twelve that he could finally really... read more

Beyond Surviving: A Story of Thriving with ADHD
In my house I have a son who I’m trying to help grow up into the man he’s meant to be.... read more

Teaching Students on the Spectrum: Wisdom from the IEW Forum
“I have a 16-year-old son who has autism and is behind in writing skills. We are currently working with 4th grade... read more

Dyslexia: Finding Help and Hope for Your Struggling Reader
The tear tracks were still visible when I tucked my eight-year-old daughter into bed that night. We had had another painful... read more

Help for Dysgraphia – Hands off Content; Hands on Style
Teaching children who have learning challenges can be particularly challenging. How do you make sure that your requirements and expectations don’t... read more

When My Daughter Finally Started Writing
Learning is a struggle for some, and sometimes learning to write seems like an impossible task. We received this testimony from... read more

Don’t Let Dyslexia Get You Down
Do you have a student with dyslexia? Join the club. Quite an impressive club, in fact: Entertainers: Jay Leno, Steven Spielberg, and... read more

Hope for Your Struggling Learner
My brother struggled tremendously with learning to read. In my dad’s words, “He was the most dyslexic kid I’ve ever met.”... read more