
Imitation: the Greatest Form of Learning

  It was an average weekday morning. I was preparing to leave for work, when my niece of just under two years old came scampering into my room full of her morning energy. She... read more

Nov 26, 2018

Unit 4: Summarizing a Reference

  If you are moving through the IEW units at the pace of about one a month, you are either now in Unit 4, Summarizing a Reference, or are about to be there soon.... read more

Nov 07, 2018

The Story of a Story

  My connection with the Lee family began with a phone call. One of IEW’s customer service agents spoke with a woman about her daughters who were interested in becoming accredited IEW instructors—at the... read more

Nov 02, 2018

Everyone Needs an Editor! Podcast Episode 161

  Ernest Hemingway had one. So did F. Scott Fitzgerald. For that matter, so did Roald Dahl. What do these authors share in common? They all had editors. In fact, Ernest Hemingway and F.... read more

Oct 24, 2018

What’s the Story?

  Are you or your student finding yourselves sequestered by the Story Sequence Chart? Has the spotlight on Unit 3 lead to some classroom stagefright? While the transition from Unit 2 to Unit 3... read more

Oct 22, 2018

Moving on to Unit 3: Podcast Episode 158

  Now that the first weeks of school are complete, many students are beginning to move into Unit 3, Retelling Narrative Stories. After Units 1 and 2 where students created key word outlines from... read more

Oct 03, 2018

Wow! Children! Wow! Learning!

  In Episode 156 of the Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa continues his trip down memory lane. He reminisces about his time spent learning from Shinichi Suzuki and then recalls his experiences in... read more

Sep 19, 2018

A Suzuki History: Podcast Episode 155

  “Ten thousand times, and then begins understanding.” Japanese saying That proverb reflects a philosophy that sounds foreign to Western minds, but it is reflective of the Suzuki methodology of instruction. In Podcast 155 Andrew... read more

Sep 12, 2018

Why We Do What We Do

  We are not merely a curriculum company. At IEW we fervently desire to go beyond simply designing a course of study in a subject such as English. At our heart we want to... read more

Sep 07, 2018

A Strong September Start: Podcast Episode 154

  3...2...1...Blastoff! With the launch of the school year, students are springing into IEW’s first two units—Note Making and Outlines and Writing from Notes. In Podcast 154, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker converse about... read more

Sep 05, 2018

Dive In! Podcast Episode 152

  Does this describe you? You have been listening to the Arts of Language Podcast for a while now. The things you’ve heard on the podcast have been engaging, and you’re intrigued. But you... read more

Aug 22, 2018

Imitation: the Greatest Form of Learning

  It was an average weekday morning. I was preparing to leave for work, when my niece of just under two years... read more

Unit 4: Summarizing a Reference

  If you are moving through the IEW units at the pace of about one a month, you are either now in... read more


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The Story of a Story

  My connection with the Lee family began with a phone call. One of IEW’s customer service agents spoke with a woman... read more

Everyone Needs an Editor! Podcast Episode 161

  Ernest Hemingway had one. So did F. Scott Fitzgerald. For that matter, so did Roald Dahl. What do these authors share... read more

What’s the Story?

  Are you or your student finding yourselves sequestered by the Story Sequence Chart? Has the spotlight on Unit 3 lead to... read more

Moving on to Unit 3: Podcast Episode 158

  Now that the first weeks of school are complete, many students are beginning to move into Unit 3, Retelling Narrative Stories.... read more

Wow! Children! Wow! Learning!

  In Episode 156 of the Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa continues his trip down memory lane. He reminisces about his... read more

A Suzuki History: Podcast Episode 155

  “Ten thousand times, and then begins understanding.” Japanese saying That proverb reflects a philosophy that sounds foreign to Western minds, but it... read more

Why We Do What We Do

  We are not merely a curriculum company. At IEW we fervently desire to go beyond simply designing a course of study... read more

A Strong September Start: Podcast Episode 154

  3...2...1...Blastoff! With the launch of the school year, students are springing into IEW’s first two units—Note Making and Outlines and Writing... read more

Dive In! Podcast Episode 152

  Does this describe you? You have been listening to the Arts of Language Podcast for a while now. The things you’ve... read more


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