Unit 6 Demystified: Podcast Episode 178

Feb 25, 2019 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Are you in the midst of moving through Unit 6 with your students? If so, check out Podcast 178. During it, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker talk about ways to teach this building-block unit, which just so happens to be Andrew’s personal favorite!

Unit 6, Summarizing Multiple References, builds on the foundation that was laid by Unit 4, Summarizing a (Single) Reference. Working through the unit, students move from making key word outlines from a single reference to creating key word outlines from multiple references, which they then fuse into a single outline by selecting what they deem to be the most interesting or important facts from each outline. As such, Unit 6 doesn’t deliver a finished product, but continues to build the students’ skills and eventually leads them to Unit 8, Formal Essay Models.

During the podcast, Andrew shares some tips to help your students flourish, beginning with how to select the sources your students will use to generate their key word outlines. He emphasizes that children need more guidance in learning how to search and make judgment calls about appropriate sources. One of the best places to begin this unit is by taking a trip to the library and dusting off the encyclopedia shelf. While the material may not be as current as what’s on the Internet, that disadvantage is offset by the tidy headings of the topics that make for an easier way to search for facts.

Another way to help smooth the process is to create shorter, more frequent assignments. This keeps the assignments from becoming overwhelming to the students as well as allows the teacher to evaluate her students’ work and refine her teaching to meet her class’s needs. Also, because the assignments are short, students are able to complete them more quickly, and the teacher is similarly able to grade them more quickly as well.

These are just a few of the gems you will learn from listening to this podcast. It will give you added confidence as you navigate this fascinating and fun unit!


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