Listen! Podcast Episode 203

Feb 03, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Listen. Speak. Read. Write. These are the four language arts. In podcast Episode 203 Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker begin their discussion of the first of these: listening. As Andrew mentions during their discussion, “If we can listen, we can learn more easily.”

Tune into the podcast to learn how hearing differs from listening. Additionally Andrew will share some powerful approaches to incorporate listening opportunities for your students, beginning in the preschool years and continuing through high school.

In order to become competent in writing, students must first become competent listeners and speakers. This podcast begins by exploring the first art of listening, and ensuing podcasts will continue considering the additional language arts. Corporately, these four language arts develop the fifth art: thinking. Altogether these five language arts form the foundation of everything we do at IEW, which is why they appear in the tagline of our logo: Listen! Speak! Read! Write! Think!

We look forward to having you join us for these episodes.

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