
Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show, Episode 290, Andrew answers the following questions: What do you say to a... read more

Oct 07, 2021

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next series of blog posts, we will turn our attention to the sentence... read more

Sep 27, 2021

Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction

Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the point values. While we do offer checklists with points as an optional... read more

Sep 08, 2021

Announcing IEW’s Theme-Based Book of the Year: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons

We are excited to share with you that we have declared Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons to be IEW’s theme-based book of the year. What does this mean for you? Every month Andrew Pudewa... read more

Sep 03, 2021

A Visit with Dr. Carol Swain: Podcast Episode 282 †

For podcast Episode 282, Andrew and Julie invited Dr. Carol Swain to join them. Both Dr. Swain and Andrew Pudewa will appear in the soon-to-be-released movie Schoolhouse Rocked. Incredibly motivational, Dr. Swain shares... read more

Aug 11, 2021

Week 9 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 9

This week marks the penultimate week for this year’s Great TWSS Adventure. If you have kept up with the schedule, you will be encountering the final unit, Unit 9. In this section of... read more

Aug 09, 2021

Sage Advice for a Successful School Year

If you have recently strolled into your local big box store, you likely have seen shelves upon shelves of back to school supplies. The waxy scent of crayons, the colorful array of notebooks... read more

Aug 06, 2021

Talking about the Intangibles: Podcast Episode 281

IEW is known for being an English language arts curriculum publisher. Listen! Speak! Read! Write! Think! These are skills that our company champions, so much so that we have made them our motto.... read more

Aug 04, 2021

Week 8 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 8

If you are participating in this year’s Great TWSS Adventure, this week you will be encountering formal essay models. The essay is the goal for formal writing. Units 4 and 6 have provided... read more

Aug 02, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 280

Beginning with the tenth Arts of Language Podcast episode, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker launched a series called “Ask Andrew Anything.” Faithfully every tenth episode the podcast’s focus has been to have Andrew... read more

Jul 28, 2021

Week 7 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 7

Teachers and teaching parents from across the globe who are participating in the Great Adventure will tackle Unit 7 this week. Many teachers are very excited to reach this unit because it is... read more

Jul 27, 2021

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 290

With the advent of another tenth episode, we return yet again to a fan favorite: Ask Andrew Anything. In this show,... read more

Stylistic Techniques: the #2 Prepositional Phrase Sentence Opener

In earlier blog posts we have discussed the basic dress-ups and how to introduce them to your students. For the next... read more


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Point-less: On the Value of a Mastery Approach to Writing Instruction

Some instructors teaching with Structure and Style for Students have noticed something that appears to be missing from the checklists: the... read more

Announcing IEW’s Theme-Based Book of the Year: Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons

We are excited to share with you that we have declared Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons to be IEW’s theme-based book of... read more

A Visit with Dr. Carol Swain: Podcast Episode 282 †

For podcast Episode 282, Andrew and Julie invited Dr. Carol Swain to join them. Both Dr. Swain and Andrew Pudewa will... read more

Week 9 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 9

This week marks the penultimate week for this year’s Great TWSS Adventure. If you have kept up with the schedule, you... read more

Sage Advice for a Successful School Year

If you have recently strolled into your local big box store, you likely have seen shelves upon shelves of back to... read more

Talking about the Intangibles: Podcast Episode 281

IEW is known for being an English language arts curriculum publisher. Listen! Speak! Read! Write! Think! These are skills that our... read more

Week 8 of The Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 8

If you are participating in this year’s Great TWSS Adventure, this week you will be encountering formal essay models. The essay... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 280

Beginning with the tenth Arts of Language Podcast episode, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker launched a series called “Ask Andrew Anything.”... read more

Week 7 of the Great TWSS Adventure: Unit 7

Teachers and teaching parents from across the globe who are participating in the Great Adventure will tackle Unit 7 this week.... read more


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