The Art and Science of Motivation
by Andrew Pudewa I have studied the science and art of motivation for many years, first as a violin teacher, then as a writing teacher, and finally as a parent. Although I am far... read more

Finding What Works
The Chesleys are a busy homeschool family. Austin Chesley is the mom of and the primary educator for all five Chesley kids, ranging in age from 10 to 18 years. Dr. Colin Chesley... read more

Writing Maketh an Exact Man
Recently, we at IEW began the process of acquiring a very high output (and rather expensive!) printer. During our initial conversations pertaining to the financing of this purchase, the manufacturer’s national credit manager... read more

The Writing Skills Gap
This country is locked in a learning quagmire caused by an educational misalignment, which has resulted in many students entering higher education with a clear deficit in college-ready writing skills. Long-term, the United... read more

Interview with Nancy Helm, Education Specialist
This summer at the IEM Innovate Conference in Sacramento, I met Nancy Helm, an Education Specialist for twelve years at the South Sutter Charter School. Soon afterwards, I received an extremely gracious email... read more

Turning an Enemy into an Ally
Adolescence encompasses some of the most difficult years of a person’s life. Middle school teachers, therefore, face a daunting task, which today includes acknowledging that social media is a part of students’ lives.... read more

A Common Language
Lower Yukon School District in Alaska implements IEW’s Structure and Style method districtwide to improve students’ language arts knowledge. Who are we? We are a people of the salmon, of the whitefish, and pike. Of... read more

Structured Success
With each edition of the schools magalog Arts of Language, we enjoy spotlighting a teacher or administrator who has implemented with fidelity the Structure and Style method within his or her classroom or... read more

Getting Started with Structure and Style
Every year, IEW has chosen an outstanding teacher who has implemented IEW in his or her classroom with enthusiasm and fidelity. Join us this year as we put the spotlight on an administrator... read more

You Don’t Have to Like Writing
The Real Goal of Learning English Composition by Andrew Pudewa I have heard this—or something very similar—hundreds, if not thousands of times, on the phone, at conventions, and in seminars for over twenty years. If... read more

Many Paths, One Writing Method: An interview with IEW mom Lisa Averitt
Lisa Averitt lives in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where she is a pastor’s wife and mother of five. She has a BA in English and several years of teaching experience followed by sixteen years... read more

The Art and Science of Motivation
by Andrew Pudewa I have studied the science and art of motivation for many years, first as a violin teacher, then as... read more

Finding What Works
The Chesleys are a busy homeschool family. Austin Chesley is the mom of and the primary educator for all five Chesley... read more

Writing Maketh an Exact Man
Recently, we at IEW began the process of acquiring a very high output (and rather expensive!) printer. During our initial conversations... read more

The Writing Skills Gap
This country is locked in a learning quagmire caused by an educational misalignment, which has resulted in many students entering higher... read more

Interview with Nancy Helm, Education Specialist
This summer at the IEM Innovate Conference in Sacramento, I met Nancy Helm, an Education Specialist for twelve years at the... read more

Turning an Enemy into an Ally
Adolescence encompasses some of the most difficult years of a person’s life. Middle school teachers, therefore, face a daunting task, which... read more

A Common Language
Lower Yukon School District in Alaska implements IEW’s Structure and Style method districtwide to improve students’ language arts knowledge. Who are we? We... read more

Structured Success
With each edition of the schools magalog Arts of Language, we enjoy spotlighting a teacher or administrator who has implemented with... read more

Getting Started with Structure and Style
Every year, IEW has chosen an outstanding teacher who has implemented IEW in his or her classroom with enthusiasm and fidelity.... read more

You Don’t Have to Like Writing
The Real Goal of Learning English Composition by Andrew Pudewa I have heard this—or something very similar—hundreds, if not thousands of times, on... read more

Many Paths, One Writing Method: An interview with IEW mom Lisa Averitt
Lisa Averitt lives in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where she is a pastor’s wife and mother of five. She has a BA... read more