Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 350
Since 2015 Andrew and Julie have been adding to the “Ask Andrew Anything” series. The series is an opportunity for Andrew to respond directly to questions asked by our podcast listeners. This week... read more

The Goodness of Memory: Podcast Episode 349
In the modern world, the education system places little emphasis on rote learning and memorization. As Andrew points out in this episode, though, our memory is what allows us to act, talk, and... read more

Learning about Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
What is a powerful vocabulary builder, stimulates the imagination, and is entertaining to do? Not only that, but it can easily be done with mixed age students? Oh, yes, and one more thing:... read more

“Winter,” a Poem by Walter de la Mare
Today’s featured poem is composed by Walter de la Mare, the poet who also crafted “Some One,” a poem encountered in Level 2 of IEW’s Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. After you finish... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300
With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something special to mark it. They decided to video the podcast with an... read more

Delight in Learning: A Contagious Condition
As a dyslexia tutor, one of the ways I connect with other tutors who do the same thing is through social media. I am in a few groups that are made up of... read more

The Power of Poetry
For the past twenty-five years, National Poetry Month has been commemorated in April, celebrating poems and the poets who pen them. Tightly constructed, with every syllable and every word deliberately placed, poems evoke... read more

Nurturing Competent Communicators: Podcast Episodes 251 and 252
One of Andrew’s most popular conference presentations is “Nurturing Competent Communicators,” which is predicated on two points. In podcast Episode 251, Andrew and Julie revisit the first of the points, which is this:... read more

The Goodness of Memory, Part 2: Podcast Episode 242
In podcast Episode 242, Andrew and Julie continue their fascinating conversation about memory. One question they ponder is Where does memory reside? Shockingly, it may not be solely stored in the brain. Andrew... read more

The Goodness of Memory: Podcast Episode 241
“Memory is the cabinet of the imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience, and the council-chamber of thought.” These words, attributed to the poet Giambattista Basile, still ring true centuries later.... read more

Encouragement for the Journey
The month of October marks Dyslexia Awareness Month. During these few weeks countries around the world recognize and share information about dyslexia, the most common learning disability. In March 2012 The Old Schoolhouse... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 350
Since 2015 Andrew and Julie have been adding to the “Ask Andrew Anything” series. The series is an opportunity for Andrew... read more

The Goodness of Memory: Podcast Episode 349
In the modern world, the education system places little emphasis on rote learning and memorization. As Andrew points out in this... read more

Learning about Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization
What is a powerful vocabulary builder, stimulates the imagination, and is entertaining to do? Not only that, but it can easily... read more

“Winter,” a Poem by Walter de la Mare
Today’s featured poem is composed by Walter de la Mare, the poet who also crafted “Some One,” a poem encountered in... read more

Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 300
With the upcoming three hundredth episode of The Arts of Language Podcast, Andrew Pudewa and Julie Walker wanted to do something... read more

Delight in Learning: A Contagious Condition
As a dyslexia tutor, one of the ways I connect with other tutors who do the same thing is through social... read more

The Power of Poetry
For the past twenty-five years, National Poetry Month has been commemorated in April, celebrating poems and the poets who pen them.... read more

Nurturing Competent Communicators: Podcast Episodes 251 and 252
One of Andrew’s most popular conference presentations is “Nurturing Competent Communicators,” which is predicated on two points. In podcast Episode 251,... read more

The Goodness of Memory, Part 2: Podcast Episode 242
In podcast Episode 242, Andrew and Julie continue their fascinating conversation about memory. One question they ponder is Where does memory... read more

The Goodness of Memory: Podcast Episode 241
“Memory is the cabinet of the imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience, and the council-chamber of thought.” These... read more

Encouragement for the Journey
The month of October marks Dyslexia Awareness Month. During these few weeks countries around the world recognize and share information about... read more