Advanced Style, Part 1: Podcast Episode 321

May 12, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

On a recent Saturday morning, Andrew Pudewa presented a master class to IEW’s Premium Members. His focus was addressing IEW’s list of advanced stylistic techniques. During the roughly 90-minute presentation, Andrew described a variety of advanced techniques beyond the basic dress-ups and sentence openers, also sharing ways to teach them to students. In this podcast episode Andrew and Julie share a portion of this presentation.

Emphasizing that the stylistic techniques are in place not to make better writing but rather to form better writers, Andrew first described some of the advanced dress-ups, including dual -ly adverbs, verbs, and adjectives. From there he explained what IEW’s teeter-totters are. Towards the end of the episode, Andrew and Julie talked about literary devices, specifically schemes and tropes.

In classical rhetoric, schemes are constructions that appeal to the senses. Sometimes referred to as figures of speech, examples include alliteration, triple extensions, parallelism, and repetition. Tropes, on the other hand, have sometimes been referred to as figures of thought. Examples include simile, metaphor, hyperbole, and allusion.

If you have ever wondered how teachers can help their students “run with weights” in their writing, listen to this episode. It will not only educate you about these advanced concepts, but it will quite possibly ignite your desire to help your students apply these in their own compositions as well.

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