Ask Andrew Anything: Podcast Episode 320

May 05, 2022 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team

Because it’s been ten episodes since the last one, this week’s podcast is another Ask Andrew Anything! In Episode 320 Andrew continues the tradition and answers questions submitted by our podcast listeners. Offering insight and advice, Andrew addresses the following questions:

  1. What are your thoughts about following along with the audio version of books with book in hand?
  2. I recently read However Imperfectly, and I would love to hear you elaborate on your experience when you homeschooled your daughter. I read that she worked her way through a list and studied four hours a day, reporting her time in fifteen minute increments. Is there anything you would do differently?
  3. How can a teacher keep students engaged when working through a Unit 6 multiple source text fused outline?
  4. Do you have any tips on how to get teens to become addicted to reading more than playing video games?
  5. Is there any way that a Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling and writing could include IEW’s Structure and Style components less formally taught?
  6. Would you ever consider serving as Oklahoma’s state superintendent? If a political office isn’t an option, what is one thing you think could be done to impact or at least speak up for the thousands of kids in Oklahoma and across the nation who are receiving an education that is below what they are capable of?

If you’re curious about any of these questions, be sure to give this episode a listen. As always, send any questions you may have to, and Andrew may just address it in the next Ask Andrew Anything.



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