IEW Instructor

Registered Instructor
Accepting Enrollment
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Phone: 305-906-2897
Services: Online Classes, Private Tutoring, Other
Grades: 5-12

Jonathan Meola

Jonathan Meola is a co-founder of Open Tent Academy, as well as being its CTO and one of its instructors. He graduated from the University of Miami with a dual A.B. in English and Judaic Studies, and minor in Politics and Public Affairs. For more information, please visit Jonathan's Story on the OTA website.

Jonathan also taught software applications classes for urban at-risk youth while working post-graduation at “The U.” He then went into what eventually became a long career in the telecommunications and software industry as a technology architect and consultant.

Jonathan’s first experience with homeschool involved his own children, and was inspired by reading John Taylor Gatto’s Dumbing Us Down. The experience of home-based education stayed with them, even after they eventually returned to full-time classroom education.

In 2017 Jonathan felt it was time to change careers. He decided to fulfill his lifelong dream of teaching middle and high school students. Although Jonathan was involved in the fields of non-traditional and continuing education since the beginning of his career, he has now taken his in-depth knowledge about history, philosophy, science, film, and writing and is bringing it to his students at Open Tent Academy, focusing on children in grades 5–12.

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