Becoming an IEW Accredited Instructor
IEW® currently has three levels of accreditation. Two levels are awarded through a rigorous application process, and the third is open by invitation only.
Registered Instructors are those who have completed our basic teacher’s training, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style video course with Seminar Workbook and have sent in their completed practicum assignments from the course.
Certified Instructors have completed the requirements for Registered Instructor and have additionally evidenced experience teaching all nine structural units to students outside their immediate family in a school, tutoring, or cooperative setting.
Accomplished Instructors have received a personal invitation and recommendation from Andrew Pudewa to become accredited at this highest level.
Renew your instructor accreditation here: Registered or Certified.
IEW® and Structure and Style® are registered trademarks of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C.
Please Note
Only IEW Accredited Instructors are allowed to make use of the registered trademarks “Institute for Excellence in Writing,” “IEW,” and “Structure and Style” in advertising their classes. By restricting the use of these trademarked terms, IEW can better ensure the integrity of its method and assist parents in finding a formally trained writing teacher.
IEW endorses an Accredited Instructor's ability to teach the Structure and Style writing method to students in grade 3 through adults. An Accredited Instructor may not train adults, parents, fellow teachers, or administrators for the purpose of their teaching the Structure and Style method of writing. The role of Master Teacher belongs solely to Mr. Andrew Pudewa and to several Accomplished Level instructors.
Click here for our complete policies for IEW Instructors.