Trained IEW Instructor
- Purchase Teaching Writing: Structure and Style® (TWSS2). If you already have access to the video seminar, make sure that you own the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Seminar Workbook.
- Watch each TWSS2 video and complete the corresponding practicum assignments (KWO, rough draft, final draft) for all nine IEW units. The final drafts must be typed with stylistic techniques marked as indicated on each corresponding checklist.
- Complete the application and pay the $75 nonrefundable application fee for Trained IEW Instructor.
- After application and payment have been processed, you will receive a link to submit your practicum assignments on IEW® Gradebook.
- After you submit the completed practicum assignments, the IEW Accreditation Team will evaluate them to ensure that all the requirements have been accurately completed. This process may take thirty to sixty days, and you may be requested to make changes.
- To maintain IEW accreditation, you must complete renewal requirements every two years.

Experienced IEW Instructor
- Confirm that you have been listed as a Trained IEW Instructor for at least one year.
- Teach IEW with fidelity to students outside of your immediate family for at least one year and be prepared to submit graded papers digitally.
- Complete the application and pay the $125 nonrefundable application fee for Experienced IEW Instructor.
- After application and payment have been processed, you will receive a link to submit your graded student papers digitally.
You will submit two graded papers from a struggling or average student at the highest level that you teach. (This should not be your own child.) For example, if you teach Level A and Level B classes, submit two papers from a Level B student. If you teach Level A, Level B, and Level C classes, submit two papers from a Level C student. One graded paper should be from the beginning of the year, and the second paper should be from the end of the year. - After you submit graded student papers, the IEW Accreditation Team will evaluate them. Upon approval, you will be accredited as an Experienced IEW Instructor up to the level of the graded papers that you submitted. For example, if you submitted Level A graded papers, you will be a Level A Experienced IEW Instructor. If you submitted Level B graded papers, you will be a Level A and Level B Experienced IEW Instructor. If you submitted Level C graded papers, you will be a Level A, Level B, and Level C Experienced IEW Instructor. This process may take thirty to sixty days, and you may be requested to provide additional information.
- To maintain IEW accreditation, you must complete renewal requirements every two years. During the renewal process, it is possible to change your accreditation A, B, or C level.

Accomplished IEW Instructor
- Confirm that you have been listed as an Experienced IEW Instructor for at least two years.
Be prepared to submit two graded student papers and a four-paragraph personal essay of your experience as an IEW instructor digitally.
- Complete the application and pay the $175 nonrefundable application fee for Accomplished IEW Instructor.
- After application and payment have been processed, you will receive a link to submit your graded student papers and essay digitally.
You will submit two graded papers from a struggling or average student at the highest level that you teach. (This should not be your own child.) For example, if you teach Level A and Level B classes, submit two papers from a Level B student. If you teach Level A, Level B, and Level C classes, submit two papers from a Level C student. One graded paper should be from the beginning of the year, and the second paper should be from the end of the year.
You will submit a four-paragraph personal essay of your experience as an IEW instructor. This essay should recount your history with IEW and your reason for desiring to be accredited as an Accomplished IEW Instructor. - After you submit your essay, the IEW Accreditation Team will evaluate it. Upon approval, you will be accredited as an Accomplished IEW Instructor at your same Experienced IEW Instructor level.
- To maintain IEW accreditation, you must complete renewal requirements every two years. During the renewal process, it is possible to change your accreditation A, B, or C level.