
Furnishing the Mind with Great Sources – ReadWorks®

IEW is widely recognized for exceptional writing courses for the homeschool, classroom, co-op, and tutorial, providing students with excellent content to cover a wide range of subject matter and topics. Whether you use... read more

Feb 22, 2024

Off to a Strong Start: Preparing for Writing Instruction with Structure and Style

Arranging desks, unpacking new textbooks, and dusting off classroom libraries in a freshly cleaned classroom gives even the most seasoned veteran a happy feeling of anticipation for the year ahead. Making a new... read more

Aug 04, 2022

Grades 3–12 Teachers in Year 2 and Beyond: Customizing Lessons, Part 1 – Choosing Alternate Source Texts

by Jean Nichols and Janet Spitler   We have shared a plethora of information to help teachers and students who are new to the IEW approach to writing. This blog series answers the question, “What does... read more

Dec 08, 2020

Additional Source Material to Teach Structure and Style

  We recently received a request from a parent who just completed Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level A and is waiting patiently for Year 2 Level A to launch in January.... read more

Nov 13, 2020

Furnishing the Mind with Great Sources – ReadWorks®

IEW is widely recognized for exceptional writing courses for the homeschool, classroom, co-op, and tutorial, providing students with excellent content to... read more

Off to a Strong Start: Preparing for Writing Instruction with Structure and Style

Arranging desks, unpacking new textbooks, and dusting off classroom libraries in a freshly cleaned classroom gives even the most seasoned veteran... read more


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Grades 3–12 Teachers in Year 2 and Beyond: Customizing Lessons, Part 1 – Choosing Alternate Source Texts

by Jean Nichols and Janet Spitler   We have shared a plethora of information to help teachers and students who are new to the... read more

Additional Source Material to Teach Structure and Style

  We recently received a request from a parent who just completed Structure and Style for Students Year 1 Level A and... read more


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