Begin Reading and Writing with a Pal: IEW’s Primary Arts of Language

Jun 19, 2017 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


Do you have a new or struggling reader in your home? If so, find direction and encouragement in our June 26 webinar with Jill Pike, author of Primary Arts of Language (PAL). Jill’s experiences teaching her own children, some of whom have dyslexia, to read and write helped her design the curriculum, which is based on Anna Ingham’s award-winning program, the Blended Sound-Sight Program of Learning.

A highly engaging multi-sensory program, PAL is a first step towards building solid reading, writing, and grammar skills. The program utilizes many different types of activities to engage your child’s senses and build his language arts skills. Reading and Writing are packaged separately so that you can buy just what you need.

Primary Arts of Language: Reading is a perfect place to begin when you have a brand-new or reluctant reader. It begins by laying a strong foundation with phonics and sight words by utilizing poetry, journaling, phonics instruction, and printing/composition. Learning continues as the student eventually moves into the second stage, called “Activity Time.” This is an opportunity for him to practice and reinforce what he learned in the beginning. During this stage, children will enjoy reading the PAL readers, which are comprised of controlled text, allowing them to read books filled with words they have previously learned. The third stage of the PAL Reading curriculum is called “Discovery,” where students will begin to put all of the phonics rules learned earlier to good use as they spend time working through the various Discovery card packs. All three of these stages lead to the final, most exciting stage, “The Library,” where students are ready to begin reading books from the library that match their reading level.

The companion curriculum, Primary Arts of Language: Writing, is perfectly paired to work with the reading curriculum, but it can also be used independently if you have a child who can already read but is not yet ready for Bible Heroes or People and Places in Our Community. An all-inclusive writing curriculum, it initially teaches the non-writing student how to construct letters and numbers. The next section introduces copy work and spelling. Using a multi-sensory approach, All About Spelling strengthens and reinforces the child’s grasp of phonics. In the final section, once handwriting is solid and spelling is progressing, students will begin to use IEW’s Structure and Style™ writing method as they write their own compositions utilizing Units 1, 2, 3, and 7.

Check out these testimonials and read how other parents have enjoyed using Primary Arts of Language.

"My 8-year-old needed remedial reading help—she could not distinguish the short vowel sounds. After only one week of PAL, she could. She loves the games, especially feeding Muggs. We started by doing 5 lessons in the writing book, then did 5 lessons in the reading book, and then started doing both books every day." – Lynne

"'Mommy! I can read!’ Can I just tell you I almost cried? She is almost 8, with learning issues…” – Michelle

“I was already in love with IEW after starting the Bible Heroes theme study with my first grader, but yesterday I started PAL with my preschooler. She couldn't get enough! It was so fun for her! She immediately asked to do more and woke up this morning requesting her homeschool. I am also in Lesson 20 with my first grader, who drew three pictures yesterday, one for each part of the Story Sequence Chart, and came to tell me her story orally. This was in her free time. I will be using IEW for all of my kids forever. These programs are so perfectly designed with solid content presented in reinforcing and engaging ways. Thank you!!” – Karen

"We used this program. It was VERY good. My then six-year-old ended up being almost as good a reader and speller as his nine-year-old brother." – Crystal

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