Poetry In the House: A Tribute to Mothers

Jun 17, 2017 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


About a month ago shortly before Mother’s Day, Andrew Pudewa issued a challenge around the IEW office—to write a poem about our mothers. Much reflection ensued, and then began the writing. It is our pleasure to present to you one of the poems.

This one was submitted by Genevieve Priest, who just became a mother for the second time. Incidentally, her new baby is also Andrew’s ninth grandchild! Enjoy her poem. It is truly beautiful!

The Beginning
by Genevieve Priest


Two lines on a test—could it be?
A new life begins, a mother is born
Fierce and fearful, proud and uncertain
Changed forever.


Or a call in the night—a birth mother has chosen
Empty arms will be filled
After years of longing
Transformed by love.


She doesn't know what the future holds
Only that she'll never be the same
Never truly alone—a part of her always thinking
Of her child.

Beautifully described and delightful to read, this poem paints a heartfelt portrait of motherhood. We hope you have enjoyed reading it. Genevieve, thank you for your submission! We wish you all the best as you continue on your journey of motherhood with your newest blessing.

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