Episode 111b

Retelling a Narrative Story, Structure and Style Unit 3, Part 2

Oct 20, 2017

In this two-part podcast, Andrew reviews the methodology behind and procedure for successfully teaching Unit 3: Retelling Narrative Stories. After a brief overview of the unit, Andrew will walk step-by-step through an assignment, demonstrating Unit 3 methods and concepts for both the teacher/parent and student.


Referenced Materials:


  • 1:35 - Diane asks, "How long should each lesson take and how often should the lesson be taught?"
  • 2:26 - Lynn asks, "How long till a ten-year-old boy can write on his own without parent help?"
  • 4:19 - Judy asks, "First-year students are struggling with first drafts, dress -ups, and complete sentences all at the same time."
  • 20:14 - Danielle asks, "How many sentences do you have in the key-word outline? 
  • 22:06 - Angela asks, "I have a very hesitant writer. Can we do a lot of this orally or should he write it out?"
  • 24:11 - Jennifer asks, "For high school students, is a chapter of the hobbit too long of a source text?"
  • 25:54 - Judy asks, "Students are also overwhelmed with the story sequence, sentence order, sequence, and making sense with their sentences."
  • 27:06 - Lynette asks, "My daughter likes to have dialogue in her stories. As each character speaks she starts a new paragraph. What are your recommendations?"
  • 28:16 -Deborah asks, "My kids are feeling overwhelmed with the dress ups but are doing well with the sentence openers. Can I back off on the other dress ups and focus on the sentence openers until they are easy?"
  • 30:30 -Amery asks, "IEW seems to be teacher driven, which is fine, yet the school world seem to emphasize on independence for middle schoolers. So helping the students with IEW lessons was different but I'm glad I understand that I am to assist. I just assumed the child was to be more independent because of their age and grade level."

Remember to send your questions to Podcast@IEW.com, and perhaps yours will be answered the next time we Ask Andrew Anything (AAA).

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