Premium Membership: Where Do I Start?
For many of our new Premium Members, glancing over the additional files now included in their account is like entering a downtown library, new card in hand, and viewing row after row of... read more

Learning Together: Empowering Minds, Changing Lives
When I think about why I teach, one quote echoes in my mind: “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection,... read more

Filling the Blank Page with Unit 7
IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year students progress through nine structural units. At this point in the... read more

Grammar and Thinking in the Age of AI
Of the skills that produce a well-written essay, IEW’s top two, structure and style, are certainly key linchpins. Equally important, however, is the often misunderstood art of grammar. If you express a worthy thought... read more

For the Love of Games
I want to share with you my love of games! It is a long lasting love that has been with me since my childhood. Withstanding years of foul play and unmet expectations, my... read more

Applying IEW across Your School
Like many people, I first became acquainted with IEW while I was homeschooling my children, and I taught IEW in homeschool co-ops for many years. However, when my kids were grown, I started... read more

How IEW Teaches Thinking
Since thinking begins with asking questions, IEW’s Structure and Style® methodology is the perfect place to practice thinking. Far from being formulas or templates, the structural models and the stylistic techniques provide tools... read more

Teacher Spotlight: Laura McMahon, Ivywood Classical Academy
Laura McMahon is a middle-school teacher at Ivywood Classical Academy, a tuition-free public school located in Plymouth, Michigan. Ivywood Classical Academy is a Hillsdale College Member School. How many students do you have? In seventh... read more

Streamlining Research with Unit 6
IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout the year students progress through nine structural units. At this point in the... read more

Mining for Gems: 2025 Public Domain Additions
While many people believe that Christmas caps the gift-giving season, New Year’s Day heralds fresh gifts galore: new contributions to the public domain. The public domain, a collection of works that no longer... read more

What Is Thinking?
For several years in our house, I would often respond, “Don’t make me do your thinking for you!” when one of my children would ask for help in making a decision. IEW’s theme... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Video Training through Individual Streaming
Finding enough time to train your teachers in a group setting can be a challenge. Administrators’ schedules are busier than ever, and teachers have plenty to do in their classrooms without requiring them... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Video Training as a Group
Part one of this series on teacher training method options described Video Training through Individual Streaming. A more affordable option is to provide professional development for your whole staff or small groups using... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Live On-Site Professional Development
Introducing a new writing process to your school or school district can be a huge undertaking—a significant change in the way your students will learn a critical skill. This isn’t possible without your... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Workshop
Learning to teach writing effectively is one of the most powerful investments teachers can make in improving their instruction. In parts one and two of this training methods series, we featured video training... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Private Tutoring at Home
People are unique. Just as some people feel most at home in an urban environment, others chafe at the sounds and sights of the city and long for the quiet comfort of a... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Formal Co-ops
We are blessed to live in a time where there are many educational options available for our students. The beauty of IEW methodology is that it is easily adaptable to most educational settings.... read more
Perfecting Style with Time and Practice
IEW’s Structure and Style® methodology trains students to write by teaching structure and style. Structure refers to the way a paper is arranged. What is style? In writing style refers to the language—words,... read more

Getting Started with a Surprise Gift!
It is Day 12, and we are excited to announce the surprise gifts that close out IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving celebration! This year, IEW is giving you not one but two... read more

Getting Started with Premium Membership
The gift on Day 11 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving is a gift that keeps on giving! Be sure you are registered for the event to receive the email with links... read more

Getting Started with Methods for Learning Differences
Welcome to Day 10 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving! So far IEW has shared gifts to support grammar, spelling, speaking, and writing. Today’s gifts support students with learning differences and the... read more

Premium Membership: Where Do I Start?
For many of our new Premium Members, glancing over the additional files now included in their account is like entering a... read more

Learning Together: Empowering Minds, Changing Lives
When I think about why I teach, one quote echoes in my mind: “Every child deserves a champion, an adult who... read more

Filling the Blank Page with Unit 7
IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Grammar and Thinking in the Age of AI
Of the skills that produce a well-written essay, IEW’s top two, structure and style, are certainly key linchpins. Equally important, however,... read more

For the Love of Games
I want to share with you my love of games! It is a long lasting love that has been with me... read more

Applying IEW across Your School
Like many people, I first became acquainted with IEW while I was homeschooling my children, and I taught IEW in homeschool... read more

How IEW Teaches Thinking
Since thinking begins with asking questions, IEW’s Structure and Style® methodology is the perfect place to practice thinking. Far from being... read more

Teacher Spotlight: Laura McMahon, Ivywood Classical Academy
Laura McMahon is a middle-school teacher at Ivywood Classical Academy, a tuition-free public school located in Plymouth, Michigan. Ivywood Classical Academy... read more

Streamlining Research with Unit 6
IEW teaches students to write with structure and with style. Style includes vocabulary. Structure is the elements found in compositions. Throughout... read more

Mining for Gems: 2025 Public Domain Additions
While many people believe that Christmas caps the gift-giving season, New Year’s Day heralds fresh gifts galore: new contributions to the... read more

What Is Thinking?
For several years in our house, I would often respond, “Don’t make me do your thinking for you!” when one of... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Video Training through Individual Streaming
Finding enough time to train your teachers in a group setting can be a challenge. Administrators’ schedules are busier than ever,... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Video Training as a Group
Part one of this series on teacher training method options described Video Training through Individual Streaming. A more affordable option is... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Live On-Site Professional Development
Introducing a new writing process to your school or school district can be a huge undertaking—a significant change in the way... read more

Teacher Training Method Options: Virtual Teaching Writing: Structure and Style Workshop
Learning to teach writing effectively is one of the most powerful investments teachers can make in improving their instruction. In parts... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Private Tutoring at Home
People are unique. Just as some people feel most at home in an urban environment, others chafe at the sounds and... read more

Many Educational Choices: One Writing Method Formal Co-ops
We are blessed to live in a time where there are many educational options available for our students. The beauty of... read more
Perfecting Style with Time and Practice
IEW’s Structure and Style® methodology trains students to write by teaching structure and style. Structure refers to the way a paper... read more

Getting Started with a Surprise Gift!
It is Day 12, and we are excited to announce the surprise gifts that close out IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas... read more

Getting Started with Premium Membership
The gift on Day 11 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving is a gift that keeps on giving! Be sure... read more

Getting Started with Methods for Learning Differences
Welcome to Day 10 of IEW’s Twelve Days of Christmas Giving! So far IEW has shared gifts to support grammar, spelling,... read more