While Andrew’s Away—An Opportunity to Meet Beth O’Connor: Podcast Episode 134

Apr 11, 2018 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


The podcast fun continued this past week even though Andrew was still on the road. In Podcast 134, Julie Walker introduces listeners to Beth O’Connor, one of IEW’s Schools Division Educational Consultants. Beth comes to IEW with a master’s degree in special education and many years of classroom teaching experience, but she admits that until she discovered IEW at her school in Louisiana, she was stymied about how to effectively teach written composition.

Her first taste of IEW came when she attended a live workshop in Chicago, Illinois. What she learned there had her so excited she couldn’t wait to implement it with her students. Rather than beginning writing with an empty page and a blank brain, she learned about the immense value of using source texts and outlining techniques to develop a student’s writing skills. Her advice to teachers and parents who are considering using IEW with their students is to not hesitate, but begin today!

At IEW, we love to hold product giveaways, so Julie asked Beth which products she would most like to gift. Without hesitation, Beth opted to gift the first volume of Following is Narnia: The Lion’s Song. Five lucky winners will receive a copy of the Teacher/Student combo. For school administrators, Beth selected the IEW® Handbook for Administrators and School Leaders.This manual is the perfect tool for administrators to utilize as they seek to help provide direction in how their teachers teach writing. Three copies will be given away to school administrators. If you’re a teacher, register your school administrator for the giveaway. The contest ends April 30, and the winners will be drawn May 1, so don’t wait to sign up! 

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