Summer Fun in (and out) of the Sun: #DadisReading

Jun 11, 2021 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


While the month of June marks Father’s Day, we should really celebrate fathers every day of the year. After all, they do so much for their families. One important action that many dads do for their children is to read to them regularly. When they do, they build relationships with their children, boost their children’s literacy, and help develop their children’s critical thinking skills. It’s powerful stuff for children, their families, and society.

At IEW, one way we celebrate fathers is to create an event that spans the entire month we call “DadisReading.” During the month of June, we hold a special drawing that will be held on July 15. This year we are offering to four dads a copy of both Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization (LDP) and Timeline of Classics (TLC). LDP builds linguistic “marble” through poetry memorization. For help on teaching this skill, check out this great YouTube video. TLC contains an extensive booklist arranged by time period that offers classic literature for students of all ages. Both of these resources will help dads continue the important and pleasurable work of increasing their students’ literacy skills. There are a couple of ways to enter the contest.

To begin with, you can enter the drawing at this link (drawing has ended). To double your chances of winning, you can also submit a photo on social media of dad reading to his children. Mark the post with the hashtag #DadisReading. Or if you prefer, email the photo directly to, and we can post it on our page for you. Take a look at some of the sweet photos from prior years!




The benefits of reading aloud don’t end just because children move into their independent reading years, so by all means, continue reading to them, and share those photos as well! If you would like some book ideas, take a look at IEW’s Recommended Reading List as well as the Read-Aloud Revival blog. We look forward to seeing all of your photos.

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