Usage: Eminent or Imminent?
Homophones, words that sound the same but that have different spellings or meanings or both, can be tricky to remember. Some of the earliest homophones students learn are its and it’s as well... read more

Annual or Ennial?
Back when I lived in Ohio, I spent much of March watching the weather. Typically at some point in the month, usually later than earlier, I could detect a subtle warming in the... read more

A Wintry Mix of Words
I’ll be honest. Winter is not something I think of very often. Living in Florida, I typically think of winter as simply a situation those poor, unfortunate “Northerners” face. The closest I really... read more

Reviewing Our Greatest Hits: The Banned Word Controversy
It seems like every few years a journalist publishes an article complaining about teachers instructing students to replace descriptive words in their writing assignments in lieu of their more bland options. Arguing, “What’s... read more

Nurture Communication—Build Vocabulary!
Every year, new words are added to the dictionary. In 2018, for instance, words like “bougie,” “bingeable,” and “predictive” were added by Merriam-Webster. But did you know that behind the scenes there is... read more

Tutoring with IEW—A Win-Win!
IEW is taught across homes and schools all around the world. Often it is a teacher or parent who guides students through the IEW approach to writing, but tutors who meet with students... read more

Reading Aloud: Time Together Well Spent
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! by Dr. Seuss As the leaves... read more

One Chapter Away
# Reading Tolkien out loud while two primary-grade siblings engaged in an action-figure battle to the death was not an easy task. Competing to be heard while constant noise and motion were going on... read more

World Emoji Day ?
It was late in the evening on July 17, and I was mindlessly scrolling through my news feed on my tablet when a small blurb caught my eye. It was World Emoji Day.... read more

Usage: Eminent or Imminent?
Homophones, words that sound the same but that have different spellings or meanings or both, can be tricky to remember. Some... read more

Annual or Ennial?
Back when I lived in Ohio, I spent much of March watching the weather. Typically at some point in the month,... read more

A Wintry Mix of Words
I’ll be honest. Winter is not something I think of very often. Living in Florida, I typically think of winter as... read more

Reviewing Our Greatest Hits: The Banned Word Controversy
It seems like every few years a journalist publishes an article complaining about teachers instructing students to replace descriptive words in... read more

Nurture Communication—Build Vocabulary!
Every year, new words are added to the dictionary. In 2018, for instance, words like “bougie,” “bingeable,” and “predictive” were added... read more

Tutoring with IEW—A Win-Win!
IEW is taught across homes and schools all around the world. Often it is a teacher or parent who guides students... read more

Reading Aloud: Time Together Well Spent
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”... read more

One Chapter Away
# Reading Tolkien out loud while two primary-grade siblings engaged in an action-figure battle to the death was not an easy task.... read more

World Emoji Day ?
It was late in the evening on July 17, and I was mindlessly scrolling through my news feed on my tablet... read more