Student Resource Packet

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Specifications: 160 pages
ISBN: Packet: 978-1-62341-274-6
Edition: First Edition, February 2017
Copyright Date: 2017
Our duplicating/copying policy for this Student Resource Packet:
All rights reserved.
No part of this Student Resource Packet may be modified, transmitted from the initial retrieval system, distributed, or otherwise transmitted in any form including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by U.S.A. copyright law and the specific policy below:
Home use: The purchaser may copy this Student Resource Packet for use within his or her immediate family. Each family must purchase a Student Resource Packet.
Classroom teachers: The purchaser may not reproduce this Student Resource Packet. Each student is required to have his or her own copy of this Student Resource Packet.
Library use: A library may offer this Student Resource Packet to be checked out by a patron, provided the patron agrees not to make copies.