Episode 139b

Structure and Style Unit 9 - Formal Critique - Going Beyond the Boring Book Report, Part 2

May 03, 2018

As you near the end of the school year, get the information and motivation you need to finish strong with Unit 9: Formal Critique. In this two-part webinar recording, Andrew takes you through Unit 9, discusses its purpose, and explains the power of the critique thesaurus.

Referenced Materials:


11:36 - Melissa asks, "First year IEW users and my 8th grader is doing SWI- B and EIL's English I both this year. At this section in Unit 9, should I pick and choose assignments or still try to do all of both?"


12:41 - Bonnie asks, “How do we encourage dyslexics to really read the material deeply for meaningful critique after struggling to understand the complexities of the text?”


16:44 - Joanne asks, "Can you please give some ways that Unit 9 is used in real life?"


Remember to send your questions to Podcast@IEW.com, and perhaps yours will be answered the next time we Ask Andrew Anything (AAA).

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