Structure and Style with Primary Students: A Conversation with Linda Mikottis: Podcast Episode 235

Sep 02, 2020 | Posted by the IEW Blog Team


In podcast Episode 235, Julie welcomed Linda Mikottis into the studio. Linda had come from her home in Illinois to Oklahoma to conduct a Primary Structure and Style workshop, a professional development workshop for primary (K‒2) teachers working at five-day-a-week brick and mortar schools. As IEW’s School Division’s lead implementation coach, Linda was there teaching the four-day workshop and managed to squeeze in some time to talk with Julie about how teaching Structure and Style works in a full-time classroom setting.

Linda shares with the audience two critical components that help students grow their vocabulary, syntax, comprehension, and reading skills. What are these components? Teachers use poetry as an integrator and build on that poetry foundation to teach writing.

During the conversation the discussion turns to reflections on the connection between writing and reading and how teaching writing strengthens reading. Linda reveals that Jackie Hammond, 2016 IEW Teacher of the Year, affirmed this as well when Jackie shared how her students’ reading scores soared when she added writing with Structure and Style. Linda also relays her own excitement about helping her “students,” namely, educators, become successful at teaching Structure and Style. And she explains why she is so passionate about equipping teachers to help their students.

Are you a teacher working in a full-time school? This podcast will be especially helpful to you. Be sure to check it out!

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